Sunday, November 29, 2020

Gonna Lay Down My Old Guitar Doc and Merle Watson

T for Texas...


postmodernism and solipsism...

 the congeries of postmodernism, only your own truths count, cod philosophy  and the advent of the interweb and google has had the effect of leading many people to believe that behaviour and psychology are private privileged and unanalysable.

also  many of the enquiries from the 20th c are now deemed out of date and of no use anymore.


not true.

I was introduced to Harold Lasswell by professor Margaret Clarke. She was a dyed in the wool tory but to her credit she had a greater commitment to education and raising consciousness.

When I went to UNI in the late 1990's I was convinced I could become a polymath of sorts but was soon disabused of that notion when confronted by the scope and depth of modern knowledge. However I did follow my own path and to my surprise the best educators were the ones I had least in common with. Prof Clarke also introduced me to the writings of Phillip Rieff, another Freudian scholar attempting to analyse the psychopathology of politics.

I was also bemused by the staff in the Philosophy department who had a real downer on Freud. One of my history profs told me it was because they knew it was true. [larfs] anyway they preferred to ignore Platos dictum about knowing oneself and stick with Wittgensteins maxim that philosophy itself was therapy. yeah right.

Well considering that old witty himself was in denial about his own personality and his defects and laying on a red herring like that one it was an uphill struggle there.

so in the end it was all worth it even though Marcus Aurelius enjoins us to put away the books which contains its own contradiction and having the tools to analyse polticians is a great boon to those who would understand how the world works.

The problem now is of course false consciousness. A term coined by Marx to encompass the inability of the working classes to see beyond their own immediate needs in a society putting the pedal to the metal in the acceleration phase of the industrial revolution.

Todays false consciousness is identical in form but different in operation. marx and succeeding politicians and theorists are all total materialists believing in the ability of the world to keep on supplying humanity with an unlimited amounts of goods at any cost to the environment or the ecosystem.

this is plainly false and will bear down harder and harder on the entire global population exponentially while the rulers continue to promise more even while the ship is sinking underneath them and everyone else.

out of the blue and into the black...


my little town...


Friday, November 27, 2020

astral weeks and other things...


saturday roundup...

fethy, m-town, gay town, rapa


Have to agree with Taiawhio Gemmell who to me rightly criticises the the johnny come latelys who have no respect for the Wairarapa, its history, maori or pakeha and want to change things to suit themselves

personally I cant stand the abridgement "fethy" and the latest one the 'rapa valley is just

 as abhorent.

rapa is corny and derivative. this is the Wairarapa not the keewee version of the napa valley in california. dig? 

trying to acquire some sort of Stoic acceptance of life.

not easy sometimes

was it for the best that a recently departed tenant tried to kill the beautiful Camelia outside his unit, nearly succeeded and stole the rose that wasn't his to give to someone else?

then the residents gave him a boozing goodbye party which wasn't about him at all but just an excuse to get pissed.

Now they wont talk to me. hahahahahahahaahaha. I dont do that stuff.

 having problems with the report in todays dompost about andrew littles approach to health.

he doesn't seem to understand that most health problems iin New Zealand are caused by not washing hands and the stress of trying to keep up in our supposed laid back lifestyle. bwah hah hah.

throwing money at it ain't going to cure anything but parcel out jobs that look suspiciously like political patronage. If you want people to get laid back and develop some sort of introspective capacity then he should have supported the cannabis bill.

The Who - I Can't Explain

The Inner Light

jurgen habermas...


 "Universalistic egalitarianism, from which sprang the ideals of freedom and a collective life in solidarity, the autonomous conduct of life and emancipation, the individual morality of conscience, human rights and democracy, is the direct legacy of the Judaic ethic of justice and the Christian ethic of love. This legacy, substantially unchanged, has been the object of continual critical appropriation and reinterpretation. To this day, there is no alternative to it. And in light of the current challenges of a postnational constellation, we continue to draw on the substance of this heritage. Everything else is just idle postmodern talk." (Jürgen Habermas

now for something completely different...