Sunday, November 1, 2020

memo to the Carter Society re Carter Court...

 please instruct the new hire to stop spraying th ebox hedge on the driveway to Carter Court.

the last time regular applications of sprays were made the hedge nearly died and it is only just recovering and along comes another idiot too lazy to use a toll but eager to use poson and they are back at the hedge again.

how long is this madness going to persist.

and btw you would not need another so called gardener if the first one was not doing his job properly. so either you are featherbedding the payroll or you have a grant o employ useless supernumeries.

neither of the so called gardeners are gardeners and it demonstrates a clear inability on the part of the management of carter court to hire people who know what they are doing.

and btw he hasnt finished the job of mowing the lawns he started last week.

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