Sunday, August 15, 2021

normative race claims...

New Zealand is currently awash with people who don't know much and people who should know better making spurious normative claims about history.

It is all coming down in an avalanche of adspeak and bolstered by sporting and celebrity idiots who think their own thoughts are facts.

What many call race is nothing more than isolated populations who indulged in cross cousin kinship out of neccessity.

In the 21st century we are all mongrels so to speak and making any claim on the basis of race is spurious and dangerous nonsense.

We only have to look at one Andreas Reischek, an acquisitive collector of  indigenous artefacts in New Zealand who nevertheless made some pertinent observations that jibe with the invented history concocted by George Grey, William Pember-Reeves and other assorted do gooders who so muddied the waters that the truth is stifled under a welter of piffle and twaddle.

It is unfortunate in New Zealands History that the waves of traders adventurers and settlers  covered over the real truth that is only vaguely hinted at in Darwins Voyage Of The Beagle and made investigation by trained anthropologists nigh impossible.

The scientific analysis of the south coast of New Guinea would have made a very interesting comparison with native new zealanders before the white man came in quest of easily obtained spoils and resources.

Now it is left to ad agencies and other vested interests to continue muddying the waters with their rose coloured view of the world and how to construct a sugar coated version of it all.

Old Maoridom would be turning in their graves at the childish infantilism that passes for real understanding these days.


The author of the short history is the director of the Max Planck Institute of Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig Germany.

The Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology unites scientists with various backgrounds (natural sciences and humanities) whose aim is to investigate the history of humankind from an interdisciplinary perspective with the help of comparative analyses of genes, cultures, cognitive abilities, languages and social systems of past and present human populations as well as those of primates closely related to human beings.

New Zealand desperately needs a truly scientific anthropological investigation into the origins of culture and society in New Zealand instead of being bludgeoned by the ignorati who think that  their own thoughts conjured out of thin air are facts.

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