Wednesday, August 11, 2021

thursday roundup...

 wairarapa times age blots its copybook once more.

two pieces by rabid rightwingers, audrey young and richard preeble today  doing their best to do down the gubmint.

If that is what they call fair and balanced journalism then I'll eat my hat.

the vituperative young is nothing less than a tory shill wanting  a payoff and preeble is just plain jealous if not vicious.

nobody likes him any more and he cant handle that yet the right wing franchised rags around new zealand give him plenty of column inches to vent his spleen.

another piece on level crossings finishes by opining that keewees are complacent. yeah right. they are that but they are also filled with self importance and the claim that every rule is debatable and subject to their personal choice.

and if anything happens then they want the whole country to join in a co-dependent howlfest to disguise the fact they are responsible for their own choices and they fucked up.

now parliament is on and much handwringing about jobs jobs and job seekers

the fact of the matter is if there was full employment then this problem would disappear like the morning dew.

now the biggie.

Tee jay pellygnarler needs to pull his big fat swollen head in. too much arsekisssing from too much teevee exposure seems to have convinced him that he knows everything.

he has DONE ENOUGH to make himself look like an idiot. when was the last time he read a book?

the thing is that trevor bowker is a redneck and a tory but that does not negate his  observations and if you dont like that then you can always move and btw I dont appreciate being intimidated by large ethnic people on the street.

and just in case you think I am a racist then you are definitely mistaken. I don't want what is GOOD for Maori. I want what is best and if you are satisfied with half baked pandering from pakehas who should know better then more fool you.

sir ian taylor has made claims that are nonsense and not subject to confirmation and are the sort of nonsense that emanates from an ad agency. it maybe the way he sees the world but there is no truth to his bullshit.

and memo to trevor mallard. this country was a democracy last time I checked and if he thinks that bowket speaks for every hurricane then he is a fool and a dolt.

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