the carpetbaggers.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
the rain the park and other things
if you want to hang out here then you gonna get the full story.
ya hear.
thats what university is al about.
once upon a time it was about learning and theology.
now it is about creating new knowledge.
and we need it.
like it or not.
and some people are not going to like it.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Open Season
Hey kiddies. guess what?
Yesssssss...we're all listening.
Wellll, when I first put Open Season up on this blog it was going for less than US$5. now its up to US$399.
Howzatt. buy it now. pleeeeeze!
alcoholism in New Zealand
Homosexuality: Disease or Way of Life
The Talent for Stupidity: The Psychology of the Bungler, the Incompetent, and the Ineffectual
(all by edmund bergler and availlable on Amazon)
Listened to an "expert" on the wireless this morning. Another outsider brought in to pander to the well paid converted. He mentioned the addiction gene. Yes well. When you find it let us all know. Alcoholism and addiction is ultimately a personality disorder, a disease of behaviour. there is no gene dude.
Listened to an "expert" on the wireless this morning. Another outsider brought in to pander to the well paid converted. He mentioned the addiction gene. Yes well. When you find it let us all know. Alcoholism and addiction is ultimately a personality disorder, a disease of behaviour. there is no gene dude.
Unlike the physical sciences there is no over arching theory of psychology. People are free to study rats or pigeons in a labaoratory for 3 years at university then they are free to make up there own theories of the personality and its etiology and structure and guess what? They do.
The expert was impressed by New zealanders in the addiction field. Thats what they are there for. Most counsellors are hand picked using social status as a criteria for selection and guaranteeing the furthering of arguing with addicts from persoanl authority. If you cant make pots and you are a piss useless film maker then hey presto become and addiction counsellor.
None of them want to talk about the causes they only want to ensure you follow the party line.
Once upon a time they all reaqd the big book of Alchoholics Anonymous and now they know everything.
Well once upon a time I went to hear a public lecture by Dr Stanley Gitlow. A New York Psychiatrist and a non alcholic member of the board of trustees of Alcoholics Anoymous. He said: "alcholics are people who are born with the volume knob turned up full in their head and have received a trauma or been isolated from the parent of the same sex". Funnily enough these are the same determinants of paranoia which is a defense against passive unconscious homosexuality.
Keep it simmple stupid.
Furthe,r the best book for laymen was written by another American, Anne Wilson Shaeff. Some of her stuff is a bit 'wacky' but the nub is right on. She says the primary goal of addiction is to prevent the addict feeling their true thoughts and feelings. It manifests itself in lying to the self, self centredness, and denial ( amighty big river).
No sign of a gene here.
Addiction services in this country need to get real and stop pissing in the pockets of the lucky triagees and get their hands dirty.
They dont want to listen. They just want CONTROL.
They all want to digress in case they hurt someones feelings. Bwah wah wah.
The books by Bergler are expensive so nobody in New Zealand wil buy them. They need the money for their mortgage or a new RAV or some other symbol of succes to show off their Sobriety. hahahahahahahahahaha.
other things...
just a quick one while they are away.
at Masterton Library and using their facility. vgood 5*****.
yesterday was ok. delivered some pamphlets and now my flipping feet hurt so bad. unggggggggggggh.
But C-town is a great place for bird life. Lots of waxeyes (thats what I call them) and yesterday I saw a little flock of Riflemen, New Zealands smallest bird. It is the first itiem I have ever seen them and noticed them. They cool birdies. hehehehehe. Okay gotta run for the bus now. Hope you like the movies. Better than all the rest.
at Masterton Library and using their facility. vgood 5*****.
yesterday was ok. delivered some pamphlets and now my flipping feet hurt so bad. unggggggggggggh.
But C-town is a great place for bird life. Lots of waxeyes (thats what I call them) and yesterday I saw a little flock of Riflemen, New Zealands smallest bird. It is the first itiem I have ever seen them and noticed them. They cool birdies. hehehehehe. Okay gotta run for the bus now. Hope you like the movies. Better than all the rest.
Monday, August 29, 2011
the rain the park and other things...
like simon says and indian lake and I think we're alone now. hehehehehehehehe.
the byrds, judy collins, john sobieski and other things.
ah the 60's were a wonderful time. muisc was almost throwaway. ecah song was different from the last and it al got better and better till the rotten snivelling little punks got jealous and killed it all. ya get that. it seems to be the way of the wolrd. if its its better than you then complain and get rid of it. never mind the true keepers of the flame will alwyas know the truth. The Byrds hit several times with Dyaln covers and they were mighty. Look through any songbook for the lead sheet of Mr Tambourine Man and get it down and then you can play it all over the neck of your guitar fro hours and days and weeks and years of authentic FUN. My real big time fave is their version of Lay Lay Lady Lay with the huge gospel chorus. A truly beautiful work of art that has nbever been surpassed in my book. anyway keep your mind fresh and clear and look out for this stuff as it is still relevant and compelling when all the other crap has fallen inot the dreck box and blown away. Here is to my Polish fans and one of my heroes that made the western tradition what it is and allowed it to flourish when we could all be living under an oriental despotism and kowtowing to the sword.
wrote a song for everyone
Learn the solo to Cotton Fields or a reasonable facsimile thereof and you will have work for life. yes indeedy.
walking in the sunshine, sing a little sunshine song
Hello world. what a lovely day. very mild and that ineffable air that cannot be described.
Spent the mo rng delviering a pamphlet for the Labour Party Candidate for the Wairarapa Electorate at the next general election.
He is a nice guy, and a doer and interested in all of the community. Good luck Mike Bott.
People were out and about and gosh It was so nice just grooving along with a spring zephyr for company.
At the moment listening to Afternoons with Jim Mora but Jim is away and Finlay Macdonald is fillking in. P;leasant enough but his whole speech is loaded with interrogatives and he was virtually telling one interviewee, Valerie Adamas what to say and almost what to think. This technique is ghastly. Dont know where they learn it but it grates on my nerves. I bleieve people should speak for themselves.
anyway, I went down town just before lunch and someone had just put out some vinyl LP's at the Family Shop. All english pressings, 4 Byrds, 2 Grateful Dead, 3 Credence Clearwater REvival, a Sam Cooke double and 3 original Fleetwood Macs. All in good nick. i.e. not too many parties. remarkable for cultural throwaway artifacts from the 60's. Too much dude. Oh and one by Dave Dee,Dozy, Beaky, Mick and Tich. hey woow.
Still thinking about the boy I saw kciking his sister. She said nothing. It was like he was allowed to hit her!!!!!
Sunday, August 28, 2011
time for a cup of tea and a lie down
if I wanted to send you a message then I would have used western union!
bad to the bone.
take a little bit of real and mix it up with a bit of the other and it begins to look like real life.
five easy pieces
here ya are kiddies. three easy pieces with delectable Ann-Margret disporting her luxurious self across the screen for your enjoyment. get some now!
learn to play the guitar and bullying in New Zealand
bullying in New Zealand starts at the top doesn't it?
nobody can say anything without adding an interrogative can they?
thats just bullying isnt it?
anyway enough of that sh*t. the government dont want a policy on it because if they outline the causes then they will stand naked in the dock of the best new zealand bullys of all time.
Went to the site of 'Blues Guitar Master'. look them up. they can show you how to get the most and the best of your innate ability.
Just got back from Greytown. In all respects it is a nice little town and very pleasant. Teh Library is quiet aznd well appointed. no screaming kids runbning riot just because they can. YOu know dude if its my choice to be an idiot then hey. watchout.
I saw a kid last week fighting with his sister over a rocking horse. He cant have been more than 4 years old but the stood back and worked it out and let fly a kick on his sister that was chuck norris stuff. The girl just took it and the mother was elsewhere wasnt she. What a nasty little boy wasnt he?
and a little collection of nasty little movies for nasty little people. ENJOY!
so there ya go. he probably will become a politician.
its getting better all the time
you just have to learn to play this stuff for a lifetime of enjoyment and pleasure.
the front end.
hello folks. big weekend of sport. Best congratulations to the Wairarapa Rovers for winning the Chatham cup. This is not easy to come by and probably harder for an individual club to win than rugby's log of wood. The competition is fierce and this is a mighty achievement for a smal rural catchment to produce a national championship trophy. Nice going boys.
Sorry to hear the AB's lost to the yelowbellies in the weekend. Looks like Quade Cooper is storing a up a big hit in the future. It is not possible to keep dishing out that sort of rubbish without retaliation and take my word for it boy, it will.
Talking of injuries the quack looked at my shoulder two weeks ago. I have to get an x-ray but while she was looking she leant on it till I thought I might pass out with the pain but she kept it up and now the hurt seems to have gone. Nice one doc.
Bathed the 6 string last night. Half way through the job I realised it was just like bathing the baby. wah wah wah. big muff. I scored some lemon oil to dress the rosewood fretboard and it all began to get bigger by the moment. Finally I put some new strings on, Martin Accoustic Lights, and now I am waiting. I read a piece by Dan Crary once where he said that one should not play new string s for 24 hours after installation and they will last much longer with better tone. Hard to know unless you do an a/b test but it seems to work. thanks Dan.
Its all too much. Had to drag out the Jackson and use that last night in case I went into cold turkey. Got to watch the noise though. The temptation is put the channel on and rark it up. damm when did I grow old.
tonight is criminal minds and Castle. I hope the sheila comes back to life!
Saturday, August 27, 2011
straight from the horses mouth
hey ray, my faves are apeman, plastic man, animal farm, arhtur and shangri la but why are they left off al the anthologies?
60's mojo dude
dear mr fantasy play us a tune
something to make us all happy
do anything take us out of this gloom sing a song play guitar make it snappy
something to make us all happy
do anything take us out of this gloom sing a song play guitar make it snappy
chatham cup final and wairarapa united
go boys. when I was a nipper and played for the douglas park juniors the goa was to reach the chatham cup and now fifty years later a local team has made it to the pinnacle. take it away guys.
Friday, August 26, 2011
60's technology and why they call it heavy metal...
so ther e ya have it kiddies. right in the middle of mig alley with bandits at 360 degrees and they wuz clsong in for the...kill and uh thats all for tonight. yowl. pleez tell us what happened uncle freddie. Okay. just as I was running oout of 50. calibre ammo and the migs was closing in a spaceship came past and beamed me up. Nooooooooo. Yes. little green men and all that..and
saturday morning fun
when I was a kid we went to the regent on saturday morning and watched belle star and the daltons, and jungle jim and tarzan ans who knows what all.
what happens now?
hey ya just gotta have some of this stuff from the magic shop.
saturday morning in Gods Own Country
All bright and shiny today. Not all that many people stopping, most just passing through. But the cheesies were gone from the Cafe Ole so somebdoy must have been up and about early. darn.
The rag is full of bullsh*t this morning. The election is over three months away yet its like we are in full campaign mode already. Whats the rush? Has it been mathematically ascertained by some probability advisor that we must be subjected to this constant barrage of promises from men we dont know and that never seem to happen. Is this modern life now? No escape. Even for a while for a 1 week deal somewhere no-one has ever been before but you, where time is no more and the summer never ends. lets go.
bummer its bullying day again on the radio today and suicide day tomorrow. do we live in a sick society or something.
anyway tease ya brain with this shit from way wack when.
tune up and dont play too loud or ya go deaf dum dum.
but there is an alternative.
scream and shout till you have screwed every groupie in the whole wide world and learn sign language.
seriously folks.
I feel the world is turning,
in ways that I cant understand,
it aintlike it says in the books and,
nothing is going to plan.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
learn to play the blues guitar and more***
you gotta pay your dues if you want to sing the blues and you know it dont come easy.
thats true and it aint no lie.
so you buy a guitar, get a chord book and an electronic tuner and away you go.
yep. and flail and flail to no avail.
unless you join a band and you all pull yourselves up together then there is only one way.
listen listen and listen.
if you buy a book then you are locked into someone elses finger patterns and when you play the other guys will accuse you of "practising".
if you have to do it that way then do it. you get there in the end.
YOu can buy Jim Weiders DVD and learn all the moves to Freddy Kings "Hideaway" and a few others besides which I reccomend but above allisten till your ears fall off and eventually yo get it.
so who do you listen to?
Elmore James.
Muddy Waters.
Eric Clapton. (the beano album, with a full version of Hideaway)
and the greatest of them all, ta da, "Mike Bloomfield's" Super Session.
He only plays on half the album but tracks 1 and 5 have to be the most exquisitely beautiful blues instrumentals ever recorded. Fear not. track 1 is in G and track 5 is in C. Just strum the progression over the music and count the bars till it becomes automatic and soon you will have it dudes. Beleive me.
the Count goes like this for a twelve bar blues.
Until you master this and install the schema into the uncoscious and on automatic you are pushing sh*t uphill with a pointed stick.
So keep at it.
Dont give up.
Out of town news
The Ravens: The Men Who Flew in America's Secret War in Laos.
In greytown today. nice to breath some fresh air. Its ort of lieka cowboy town, all false facades and knocp up saloons for the passersby. I like it. Carterton people call it gaytown but there are more old age pensioners here than anything else.
And the library has interweb services.
Hope you like the piccies and stuff. I dont have amazon associates on my other blog so I had to put the hard copy here. Well I gues everything is not that easy just because yo want it to be.
Happy hunting.
In greytown today. nice to breath some fresh air. Its ort of lieka cowboy town, all false facades and knocp up saloons for the passersby. I like it. Carterton people call it gaytown but there are more old age pensioners here than anything else.
And the library has interweb services.
Hope you like the piccies and stuff. I dont have amazon associates on my other blog so I had to put the hard copy here. Well I gues everything is not that easy just because yo want it to be.
Happy hunting.
hey kid, do ya wanna be a rock star?
well you need some of this. the dude at masterton music works got a timebender today.
it is the goods without a doubt.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
strange movies
Lifeforce is a beauty. One of those idiosyncratic british jobs that unleash the full primal fear. Befor the advent of the multiplexes their used to be a theatre in Courtenay Place that showed the weirdest movies. It had no foyer. When I was walking home late at night from work you could tell when it was all boffo. 'the kids' would lined up round the block for this one. The Embassy showed Cotton comes to harlem and soemone who shall remain nameless organised an operation to liberate the theatre trailer. It was the sixties?
sing me an old bob dylan song
The Byrds Sing Dylan
Search for aint no more cane on the brazos
So gather round kids.
The secret is this.
Dont bother with the weird inversions of the chords in the bd songbook.
just get the outlines and keep listening to the track and it wil become crystal clear.
and bd is an amazing rythym guitarist of some not inconsiderable skill, refinement and technique and if you reach his level of proficiency then you will be doing okay.
Ditto Doc Watson.
Who knows what the transcriber had in mind whe they did some of the tunes in Doc W songbook.
as before just get the chord outlines from the book and mix and match.
handspeed and chonk is what you after.
the old wokachow.
As for the rest.
our civilisation is based on science and the only psychology is that needed to mend wonks and how to lean on the workers to make them produce more.
There is no science of aesthetics or patience and kindness or understanding. when you find it it is accidental based on inspiration and emotion.
we have a long way to go.
and sooner or later we wil have to do it differently than the way we do it now.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Woody Guthrie, Doc Watson and Bob Dylan!
so you went out and bought a guitar?
now time to get it down.
You gotta keep listening.
count the beats.
count the bars and it gets easier.
Try some woody guthrie for starters.
no irregular metres or weird progressions.
bury me beneath the willow:
thats eddie condon style.
and just keep listening
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new zealand is the place where the baby is always chucked out with the bathwater, no one says what they mean, and whatever policy plank anyo...