The Byrds Sing Dylan
Search for aint no more cane on the brazos
So gather round kids.
The secret is this.
Dont bother with the weird inversions of the chords in the bd songbook.
just get the outlines and keep listening to the track and it wil become crystal clear.
and bd is an amazing rythym guitarist of some not inconsiderable skill, refinement and technique and if you reach his level of proficiency then you will be doing okay.
Ditto Doc Watson.
Who knows what the transcriber had in mind whe they did some of the tunes in Doc W songbook.
as before just get the chord outlines from the book and mix and match.
handspeed and chonk is what you after.
the old wokachow.
As for the rest.
our civilisation is based on science and the only psychology is that needed to mend wonks and how to lean on the workers to make them produce more.
There is no science of aesthetics or patience and kindness or understanding. when you find it it is accidental based on inspiration and emotion.
we have a long way to go.
and sooner or later we wil have to do it differently than the way we do it now.
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