Homosexuality: Disease or Way of Life
The Talent for Stupidity: The Psychology of the Bungler, the Incompetent, and the Ineffectual
(all by edmund bergler and availlable on Amazon)
Listened to an "expert" on the wireless this morning. Another outsider brought in to pander to the well paid converted. He mentioned the addiction gene. Yes well. When you find it let us all know. Alcoholism and addiction is ultimately a personality disorder, a disease of behaviour. there is no gene dude.
Listened to an "expert" on the wireless this morning. Another outsider brought in to pander to the well paid converted. He mentioned the addiction gene. Yes well. When you find it let us all know. Alcoholism and addiction is ultimately a personality disorder, a disease of behaviour. there is no gene dude.
Unlike the physical sciences there is no over arching theory of psychology. People are free to study rats or pigeons in a labaoratory for 3 years at university then they are free to make up there own theories of the personality and its etiology and structure and guess what? They do.
The expert was impressed by New zealanders in the addiction field. Thats what they are there for. Most counsellors are hand picked using social status as a criteria for selection and guaranteeing the furthering of arguing with addicts from persoanl authority. If you cant make pots and you are a piss useless film maker then hey presto become and addiction counsellor.
None of them want to talk about the causes they only want to ensure you follow the party line.
Once upon a time they all reaqd the big book of Alchoholics Anonymous and now they know everything.
Well once upon a time I went to hear a public lecture by Dr Stanley Gitlow. A New York Psychiatrist and a non alcholic member of the board of trustees of Alcoholics Anoymous. He said: "alcholics are people who are born with the volume knob turned up full in their head and have received a trauma or been isolated from the parent of the same sex". Funnily enough these are the same determinants of paranoia which is a defense against passive unconscious homosexuality.
Keep it simmple stupid.
Furthe,r the best book for laymen was written by another American, Anne Wilson Shaeff. Some of her stuff is a bit 'wacky' but the nub is right on. She says the primary goal of addiction is to prevent the addict feeling their true thoughts and feelings. It manifests itself in lying to the self, self centredness, and denial ( amighty big river).
No sign of a gene here.
Addiction services in this country need to get real and stop pissing in the pockets of the lucky triagees and get their hands dirty.
They dont want to listen. They just want CONTROL.
They all want to digress in case they hurt someones feelings. Bwah wah wah.
The books by Bergler are expensive so nobody in New Zealand wil buy them. They need the money for their mortgage or a new RAV or some other symbol of succes to show off their Sobriety. hahahahahahahahahaha.
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