Tuesday, May 13, 2014

good good good vibrations....

Good score yesterday.
Picked up a CD of the Beach Boys Greates Hits.
They're all there.
Been thinking about it for quite some time and then it just pops up in the Family Store in Carterton.
too much.
Monday a dvd on air combat from the Warehouse.
a beauty. a lot of stock footage but lots of unseen stuff as well.
only $10 for two so I got a dvd of Cleopatra as well (larfs)
Tonight the first of a two parter about the Rolling Stones on Prime TV.
Talk to the kiddie musos today and they still on about who was the best.
The Stones or the Beatles.
Well it doesn't really matter.
What does matter is how they got there in the first place.
I hear some muso kids talking on the bus the other day and they all about business plans and waiting two years and blah blah blah.
who feeds them this stuff?
all you have to do is make sure that the gurls squeal and everybody taps their feet and you got it made.
I watch Dave Lettermans late show religiously and night after night he has these lame bands that would not energise a flea.
Nowadays its all about haircuts and image and internet bulshit and nothing about making the synapes' twitch.
What the fuck has happened in the world so that even something as basic as rock and roll gets so analysed and disected till all the juice is gone and there is nothing left?

well the joint was rockin'
goin round and round
both doors flew back
what a crazy sound
and they dint stop rockin'
till the moon went down...

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