Monday, May 12, 2014

grumpy old men.....

Hah. Its great being a grumpy old man.
I'm not really.
I just pretend to be.
The thing is if you are straight then people think you are grumpy.
People in New Zealand are not used to being told straight from the shoulder.
They are sly and like to teach people a lesson where they don't have to confront the truth.
I was talking to a senior local body politician the other day and he said that New Zealanders know all the words but they don't know how to do anything.
Well that's about right.
anyway back to grumpy.
I was going off to get the SST on Sunday morning when this idiot rolled up and started beeping his horn for the person next door.
I told him to shut up.Next thing I know one of the old ladies from next door was accusing me of being grumpy and getting something off my chest.
I thought about this on my walk and when I got back I told her that not only was I in my rights to ask interlopers to shut the fuck up it was also my duty and there was absolutely no question whatsoever of me getting psychological satisfaction from demanding quiet on a peaceful Sunday morning.
She got all shamefaced then and started to whine that she was only teasing.
Well keep it to yourself lady and stop accusing people of stuff that you want to project on to others that you really feel yourself.
Local Stuff:
Our little town once had three clothing factories, a shoe factory and a truck assembly plant.
she was a going concern then.
Now a group of arrivistas who think they know everything think they can revive the towns fortunes by spreading a bit of paint around and inviting an out of town interior decorator to tell them how to read their watches and what the time is.
Until that group sits down and does some serious research about attracting new industry to the town then they are just pissing in the wind and making a big noise to puff themselves up.
If the town could add 50 more people receiving wages from  productive enterprises then things would look up.
Pretending that it is possible by talking about it is a severe form of mass delusion.
Big Trouble In Little China. Looking through the discards for the Child Cancer drive on Wednesday and I found it and The Young Sherlock Homes.
Two really good movies!!!!!

and Lifeforce but I dont have that one! dang! Happened to be walking home from work one night and saw a queue at one of Wellingtons (NZ) now defunct cinemas so I followed the corwd and aaaaaaaargh!!!
what a ride.

and Muddy Waters.
downloading a  Best Of Blues Legends CD onto the the computer and  out popped the best of New Orleans Rhythym and BLues?????????
Have just spent time trying to find it in the music library but it is still in the media player and when I selected play all then the original CD started playing??????
hey thats really progress kiddies.
I wanted the blues legennds cd because there is a track by Muddy Waters with the same guitar figure and the same key as the down in the delta example (track 4) in Peter Gellings book on BLues guitar solos.

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