Friday, May 16, 2014

Kimmy dont go....

sorry to hear the Hurricanes lost last night.
I was reading the Masterton District Councils draft annual plan and it put me to sleep.
it sounded like a close game on the wireless and at 18-16 to the highlanders it must have been a tough encounter.
According to official figures Hurricanes shot down more aricraft than any other in WW11.
How about that.
anyway the plan had a sheet to tell us what you think and I will but something must be done immediately about the public toilet in the the Masterton Public library.
you go in there for a leak and the smell of sh*t clings to you for the rest of the day!
the place is rank and foul.
the staff must find it intolerable but nobody does anything!
I guess thats because new zealanders are so bamboozled by the advertising industry that they are now perfect and there is no such thing as shit!
good interview on Kim Hill this morning.
I missed the intro and the outro but it was very interesting indeed.
I noted that the interviewee ( I will find their name later) mentioned that Fairfax is busy running down circulation  for reasons of their own and I could not help but think that Radio New Zealand is doing the same thing when they employ manques like guyon espiner.

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