Thursday, November 13, 2014

wotz thut....

thuts nuthin.
its just kathrun ryun on the radio adoptung irritatung affectations and faux vocal mannerisms  to try and sound intelligent whereas in reality she is just another motormouth shill.
she should get a job on some other quasi objective meedja outlet tellung people whut to thunk about anythung and everythung and then RadioNewZealand could hire someone with real intellectual horsepower.

I am sitting here listening to her and Pacific affaires journalist Mike Fields going into panegyrics of mutual backslapping as they toast each other for having got the job that lets them talk down to the rest of us.
They are really giving me a pain in the ear.
The pair of them are crossed between small town hucksters and tent show patent medicine salesmen.
Anything they dont like they just brush off and the rest of the time they are so conceited as to think their own thoughts are facts.
They are sort of like synthetic garments that dont wear out by their use by date.
Plastic and slipshod.

They are the sorts of people who would rather believe Derek Freeman who had his degree awarded by the British government in lieu of wartime service rather than Margaret Mead who had a lifetime of achievement.

And abridged cv for Margaret Mead would go something like this:
Board member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science 1955-62.
Chairman of its committee on Science in the promotion of human welfare.
President of the Scientists Institute on Public Information.
President of the the Society for General Systems Research.
Special guest of the Secretary of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm in 1972.
President of the American anthropological association 1960.
Inaugurated the dept of Anthropology at New York University in 1967.
Initiated Fordham University's Liberal Arts College at the Lincoln Centre 1968-70.
Member of Working Group on Church and Society of the World Council Of Churches.
United States Task Force on the Future of Mankind and the role of the Churches in a World of Science Based Technology.
Curator Emeritus of Ethnology at the American Museum of Natural History in 1970 and in 1971 completed there the Hall Of The Peoples Of The Pacific.
William Proctor Prize for scientific Achievement.
Arches of Science Award from the Pacific Science Centre.
The Joseph Priestley Award from Dickinson College.
Kalinga Prize for the Popularisation of Science awarded by UNESCO and the Government of India.

Stuff like this doesn't matter to ryun and Fields who use their research staff to gather the most lightweight opinions about nuthin much to amaze and confound us global villagers trapped in a world we cannot change and forced to listen to claptrap because the service that is supposed to deliver insight is run by a pack of what can only be described as jobsworths.

you see all they care about is selling trade goods, external referencing (what it looks like) and spinning a web of coronation street type co-dependency onto the population in a bid to ensure mind numbing conformity and stiffle dissent.
It used to be a pleasure waking up in the morning and listening to Geoff Robinson and Kim Hill but now RNZ has a cohort of whiners and fluff who think they are getting to the bottom of it by tracking down second rate Pogo academics to opinionate on THEIR SHOW.
Richard Griffin and the board of RadionEW zEALAND  should be bloody ashamed of inflicting this gang of drongos on us but still pretending that we are getting the best.
In a pigs arse you fleas.

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