Monday, March 28, 2016

why dont you ask them....

what they intend to do...

Nice letter in yesterdays rag about republicanism by one Steven Danby.
great epistle dude.
those people in nz who want it are just climbers on a wittgenstian ladder who have never looked back to see where they came from.
They are like the cross grained Americans who say the United States Constitution is wonderful but this clause that I personally have identified needs changing!
yeah right.
anyway the letter didn't go far enough.
our system is archaic, arcane, idiosyncratic but it works and it is open to change without huge ideological wrangles over nothing much.
Furthermore Danby is right when he identifies the pitfalls and you only have to look at Geoffrey Palmers half baked Fijian constitution and the outcome to see what happens when meddlers get to work.
Even of they are well intentioned.
Trying to define the meaning of words and constricting peoples behaviour by ukase is not the way to go and never has been.
The yanks were lucky that they were there on that swing of the pendulum, they had the thinkers to do the job and a people who wanted it .
At the moment NZ is overrun with expatriate second rate constitutional philosophers from America who need a job and are smart enough to bulldoze the locals into thinking that they they know what they are doing.

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