Thursday, August 4, 2011

shags and hares and other stuff

just go back from town. It was bittely cold. There were shags on the pond at Clareville corner and I saw a huge hare at the industrial park. I thought it was a dog at first. You cant beat a hare pie mate. Good roasted tooo. No fat on them and you will lose weight if you ate them all the time.
One could see the fronts coming through from the bus. A freind of mine did his ATPL meteorolgy exam on southerly fronts in the Wairarapa valley. worked every time!
Rugby World Cup. Cherly at the Carterton Info Centre dreamed up a promotion for the kids. Decorate your own plywoood ball and there are prizes. some are hanging in the window. They look really neat. And there is a new range of post cards. They look like turn of the century Victoriana hand tinted. Classy.

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