Monday, August 8, 2011

Suicide in New Zealand

another leader in the Dompost yesterday about sucide as if it is some sort of media event rather than the personal tragedy that it is.
the reality is that everyone in New Zealand thinks they are experts in suicide because they know someone wot done it when in fact they are ignorant if not willfully ignorant of the causes and the etiology.
Sucide is a psychodynamic  event with discernible causes if the person l;ives but no one in New Zealand wants to know that.
They just want to put themselves up as experts or in the case of the press as voyeurs of other peoples misfortune.
Whey doesnt the press do something useful like get some real experts and discuss the issue properly?
And by experts I dont mean the rat counting graduates from psychology departments but people who have done proper studies in the field.
TV3. Nice choice last night. Star Trek MV is star trek lite but still captivating for all that and local boy Karl Urban was gooood.

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