breezy this morning.
with some cloud cover.
went to church. nice little service. Its great to beleive.
pascals wager and all that.
the future of an illusion. there must be more to life than next years model.
world bank news. big slowdown this year. world in overcapacity mode.
so they say.
blues players try the coltrane disc.
most of it is in Bflat and great to work out some chops.
unbeleivably HIP.
wikipedia is down today.
I dont agree with downloading or stealing from the artist but there must be a better way than putting the arm on wikipedia. they have become vital to the western intellectual tradition and though the postmodernists pooh pooh it, most articles do contain references so the seeker of knowledge can go elsewhere to compare and contrast. its not one dimensional as some would have you believe.
talking of idiots the cunning linguists from victoria university languages department in their weekly column in the dompost have done it again.
they should get out of their ivory tower and on to the ground sometime.
laurie baier trying to force an explanation for the derivation of yous from you.
it is a popular expression in a certian millieu and to name it would be to open oneself to charges of racism.
it is used mainly to differentiante that group from the other.
arkse yourself who I mean. or if that dont wotrk then arkse sue bradford.
heard Frankie Lymon this morning.
he just popped up on a compilation cd I had going and his voice just knocked me out.
never fails.
whey dont Radio New Zealand get some musicologists on the job instead of relying on pimply faced style wannabees for their programming.
no wonder the country is infantilised.
some might wonder why I seem obsessive about peter cushing and mania.
ask groper.
tee hee hee.

came home and opened the Carpetbaggers and bugger me days if it wasn't just as good this time around as when I first read it maNY YEARS AGO..
pOST MODERNISTS dont know what the hell the y are missing.
serves them right for walking round with a carrot up their bums.
I made MSN my home page. I owe them that. they have good news. one item caught my eye today. the theme from the Titanic was playing as the concordia costa hit the rocks. freaky dudes. And the owner of the Titanic jumped into a liferaft before women and children!!!!!!! The titanic was built for rich peopele, the upper class and look where it got them? Maybe they should play the theme from the Titanic when they open the New Zealand Parliament this year. The present government is all about privilege and sneering at the poor and a bit of comeuppance would not go astray.
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