Monday, January 16, 2012

country music usa

Still scratching away on the old six string.
Picking flat out. The temptation is always to strum along and keep singing but I'm making myself pick every chorus at the moment. I get better exponentially. Especially with the nu-x with added twang.
All very quiet this morning.
Big funeral yesterday for Hoppy.
The power is off in our street.
there is an army of trucks replacing old power poles. men everywhere.
Love The Browns.
the Three Bells is never played on the radio here but everybody knows it??????
they dont play country music on the radio in New Zealand.
Peopel might think we are rubes rustics and yokels or something.
inste4ad we have to listen to rapcrap and third generation punkwank.
uggggh its so awful but I guess it seels to peabrains.
Its not nice when you go to a party somewhere and some fifty year old is playing rage against the machine.
oh yeah.
well what rugged individual mad the the stereo in the backyard?
Talking about snobs. they dont like vincent price much in New Zealand either.
its all last year in marienbadd and any other dense nonsense that the postmoderndeconstructed contextulaist can buaffle you with.
ghastly mate.
all pretension in the arts and boneheads in the streets.
brrrrm brrrm brrrrrrm.
consoling myself with Jaques Barzun, from dawn to decadence and a.n. wilson the victorians at the moment.
you can stick proust where the sun dont shine.

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