Tuesday, January 10, 2012

politics in new zealand

should be holiday time now but the right in new zealand created the permanent campaign and now they have to live with it.
today the pm says the education system is broken and must be fixed.
that is just the biggest load of codswallop that was ever put across.
the pm and his government have made campaign promises to religious organisations to give them state funding for their propoganda and the payoff is wrecking the education system.
fran sullivan from the New Zealand Herald says the watersiders are threatening the long term viability of the port of auckland.
what planet is she on?
are they going to fill in the harbour?
are they going to move it somewhere else?
she is just on the side of the accountants who want to shave costs and casualise the workforce like some third world country.
well our fish cant get into the United States because the fleet employs slave labour from elsewhere so I guess we are headed down that path unless someone can put a spoke into the wheel.
just because everyone else is doing it is no exucse for doing it here.
and the mayor of Auckland Len Bronw is proving himself to be a dork.
him and the council with the coniivance of the press thought they were going to get away with it during the holidays but globalisation also means the internet and putting pressure on the beancounters has meant that they have to explain themselves instead of just going the underhand route that they thought they could get away with.
Mr President
Barack Obama.
you gotta watch these kiwis Bo.
they speak with fork tongues.
the honorary consul for New Zealand  in New Hampshire was on teevee here last night politicing for Mitt romeny.
Maybe he needs a visit from someone in the State Department to tell him to keep his trap shut.
Really crummy stuff.
Local stuff.
met someone from up country who has a country music club.
she asked me if I could yodel and PICK.
yes to both.
must see if I can get some funding and a van so I can go their next meeting.
somerset Road is Still closed.
keep the gawpers at bay.
One of the victims went to school with my sister back in the 50's and they just met up 2 weeks ago since then!
they both had a crush on James Moss.


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