Wednesday, January 11, 2012

post modern apocalypto...

we seem to be living in a world of mental midgets today.
all the progress and advances in science and knowledge have only served to create a guzzling hydra of consumers who are never satisfied and when their ambitions, desires  and greed overwhelem the system then they have to be beaten back with economic  cudgels.
newcomers and emerging economic powerhouses have no idea of history except their own and in fact dont seem to teach any history but their own but yet presume to preach to the world about how to divvy up the cake and what will happen to the rest of the world if they dont fall into line.
I.e. we have the bomb now so watch out!
also they will not suffer any criticism and will take action on whole nations if they are displeased by the commentary of an individual who would like as not be punished under their own regime but has freedom of speech guranteed in their consitutions.
it is beginning to resemble a mass madness fueled by too many people and politicians that can only promise more and nothing else.
and like the energy needed to raise the velocity of mass as it approaches the speed of light the amount of energy needed to feed the projected increases in population are increasing in an inverse ration the more people there are.

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