Sunday, December 30, 2012
any old time...
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Lester Flatt and Earl Scruggs. |
reading Omar Bradleys autobio over xmas.
great stuff.
forget the crap books on leadership from management gurus.
this one is the real deal..
yes sirrreeee.
pulled out all the bluegrass albums from the box under the bed and giving them a spin.
very refreshing.
Went to town today and found a couple of recent Mojo Magazines in the Salvation Army Store.
Full of stuff that I I will never listen too and dont even think I would bother with.
Nothing the Sexpitols ever did was ever as good as flatt and scruggs or bill monroe.
tee heee.
This issue of Mojo (march 2010) is hard to distinguish from the mad issue of Mojo or the mojo issue of mad!
they are all here.
don Van vliet (captain beefheart)
syd barret
sly stone
and a holy host of others...
including charlotte gainsbourg
didnt know she could sing and the French never didi know what rock and roll was all about.
soweeeee but twoo.
Colleen Trenwith said that she learned every fiddle lick she ever needed in the Hamilton County Bluegraass Band off Flatt and Scruggs' first LP.
so there ya go.
and A guitar mag with a tab version of Creams 'Sitting On Top Of The World'.
think I'll skip it and just do my own version.
last time I looked in the mirror I didnt look like Eric Clapton!
anyway if today was christmas day and today was christmas eve,
oh what a great time we would have.
oh yeah.
tonight is New Years Eve.
It seems the whole country is in holiday mode and after this year I think the country needs it.
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
the lord works in mysterious ways....
memo to christians.
just because you go to church and dont say fuck doesn't mean you have any greater call on the police than anyone else.
you want it all without doing anything because you are pious.
says you.
why didn't you pray for the souls of the truculent petulant yobs that were pissing you off.
ask for deliverance
instead you set off a chain of events with nasty repercussions and nearly ending the lives of two police officers..
where the hell is your faith?
why did you insist on instant gratification?
memo to cops.
when christians ask you to settle civil disputes tell them to pray and wait.
it is always going to turn out badly.
two officers is not enough for a drunken rabble.
the dompost didnt come offf too well with their headline this morning either.
they know or should know what the police high command knows or should know that it will only take one mistake in shooting someone and the game will change completely.
I have repeatedly averred that the only way to discipline these little shits intent on causing trouble is to deal to their cars and the easiest way is to enforce noise laws.
nip it all in the bud.
new zealand is overrun with dweebs with small penises and a raging unconscious desire to get revenge on their mothers for potty training them too early.
aiding and abetting their fantasies of juvenile omnipotence by letting them get away with loud vehicles is just throwing fuel on the fire.
you cant have it both ways.
law of the excluded middle (aristotle)
just because you go to church and dont say fuck doesn't mean you have any greater call on the police than anyone else.
you want it all without doing anything because you are pious.
says you.
why didn't you pray for the souls of the truculent petulant yobs that were pissing you off.
ask for deliverance
instead you set off a chain of events with nasty repercussions and nearly ending the lives of two police officers..
where the hell is your faith?
why did you insist on instant gratification?
memo to cops.
when christians ask you to settle civil disputes tell them to pray and wait.
it is always going to turn out badly.
two officers is not enough for a drunken rabble.
the dompost didnt come offf too well with their headline this morning either.
they know or should know what the police high command knows or should know that it will only take one mistake in shooting someone and the game will change completely.
I have repeatedly averred that the only way to discipline these little shits intent on causing trouble is to deal to their cars and the easiest way is to enforce noise laws.
nip it all in the bud.
new zealand is overrun with dweebs with small penises and a raging unconscious desire to get revenge on their mothers for potty training them too early.
aiding and abetting their fantasies of juvenile omnipotence by letting them get away with loud vehicles is just throwing fuel on the fire.
you cant have it both ways.
law of the excluded middle (aristotle)
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Pseudo Christianity....
Boxing Day today.
Hot and muggy.
My sister got A XMAS BONUS SO SHE FILLED HER TANK UP AND came and picked me up so we could do the boxing day crawl on the main street of Masterton which was pretty crowded.
she brought me some yummy home made mince pies and we had pork sandwiches left over from yesterday with her husband.
I got a full run down on recent family history and she was all great mate.
MY keyboard is overflowing with breadcrumbs and other foreign matter and is sticking.
when I FINISH THIS I Will disassemble it as far as I am able and give it a bit of a clean out.
and we went to the warehouse where I snagged a cheapo cd of George Jones doing Hank Williams songs.
Back in the day when the NZBS was the moral arbiter for all of New Zealand Georges reputation was a bit louche so he was dismissed out of hand and now it seems only the cognoscenti know him and his wonderful warm voice and vocal stylings.
He was pretty good.
Now it seems as if National Radio is only the arbiter of who is their friend on f*ckbook or other inconsequential nonsense and it has become impossible to tell with announcers like Kathryn Ryan and the oleaginous mr krrump with their continual and incessant use of interrogatives whether they are telling somebody their own business or interviewing them.
as for moral standards or commentary its all five minute wonder stuff and on to the next thing and anything goes unless you are a dyke or a homo.
then they want you to kiss their asses to make up for millenia of discrimination and any other grievance they can conjure up.
not likely mate.
you might catch something.
and next year they will cover every issue yet once again just about to the day.
I suppose their heads are so filled with self importance that they cant remember what they did last year
what the fuck has happened to the world?
and upon reflection on the carols it has become a commonplace that many Christians and especially the ones that want to be known as Christians have become adept at excusing incompetence by claiming it is the equivalent of sincerity.
incompetence is incompetence and is neither the equivalent of sincerity nor piety.
just an excuse for being an idiot.
and don't forget that you and you know who you are that you will have to answer before God at the end.
God doesn't mind dorks but he does mind those who pretend that being a dork is a mark of having a higher calling.
because the sin is the same one as Peter having his feet washed by Jesus.
he was too proud and so are you.
You have come by your positions too easily and as they say you are not up to it.
something fell out of the keyboard and I couldn't see where it was supposed to go back in so I just got an old one and it will have to do.
Hot and muggy.
My sister got A XMAS BONUS SO SHE FILLED HER TANK UP AND came and picked me up so we could do the boxing day crawl on the main street of Masterton which was pretty crowded.
she brought me some yummy home made mince pies and we had pork sandwiches left over from yesterday with her husband.
I got a full run down on recent family history and she was all great mate.
MY keyboard is overflowing with breadcrumbs and other foreign matter and is sticking.
when I FINISH THIS I Will disassemble it as far as I am able and give it a bit of a clean out.
and we went to the warehouse where I snagged a cheapo cd of George Jones doing Hank Williams songs.
Back in the day when the NZBS was the moral arbiter for all of New Zealand Georges reputation was a bit louche so he was dismissed out of hand and now it seems only the cognoscenti know him and his wonderful warm voice and vocal stylings.
He was pretty good.
Now it seems as if National Radio is only the arbiter of who is their friend on f*ckbook or other inconsequential nonsense and it has become impossible to tell with announcers like Kathryn Ryan and the oleaginous mr krrump with their continual and incessant use of interrogatives whether they are telling somebody their own business or interviewing them.
as for moral standards or commentary its all five minute wonder stuff and on to the next thing and anything goes unless you are a dyke or a homo.
then they want you to kiss their asses to make up for millenia of discrimination and any other grievance they can conjure up.
not likely mate.
you might catch something.
and next year they will cover every issue yet once again just about to the day.
I suppose their heads are so filled with self importance that they cant remember what they did last year
what the fuck has happened to the world?
and upon reflection on the carols it has become a commonplace that many Christians and especially the ones that want to be known as Christians have become adept at excusing incompetence by claiming it is the equivalent of sincerity.
incompetence is incompetence and is neither the equivalent of sincerity nor piety.
just an excuse for being an idiot.
and don't forget that you and you know who you are that you will have to answer before God at the end.
God doesn't mind dorks but he does mind those who pretend that being a dork is a mark of having a higher calling.
because the sin is the same one as Peter having his feet washed by Jesus.
he was too proud and so are you.
You have come by your positions too easily and as they say you are not up to it.
something fell out of the keyboard and I couldn't see where it was supposed to go back in so I just got an old one and it will have to do.
Sunday, December 23, 2012
merry christmas on the far side banks of jordan...
Got JOhnny's song on my brain this am.
Still its a good 'un.
I am hating doing htis because even though its xmas there are still many jerks out there determined to jerk you around if they get half the chance just to piss you off.
LIke the place I used to go busking.
It is not in front of a shop and people just keep going.
But the owner of the premises thinks he has a a right to get you given the boot and he doesn't like christian songs.
tough titty dude.
The last time he did anything I felt threatened by this large maori guy who wisely didn't do anything but he came past about three times trying to make up his mind.
Then he called the council.
Today the same thing happened.
I felt myself under close scruting from a very large maori guy.
Race aint my bag but this guy seems to have a hotline to large men.
then two of the 'parkers' arrived but as everyone knows they have no power to do anything.
If they did then thye could get rid of the idiots and their noisy cars from the main street.
But they cant and they dont.
Then mr Big arrived to check out the outcome of his machinations just as I was playing that old sunday school beauty " Jesus LOves Me".
The geek wouldnt look at me and as he fumbled his keys to get out of the way I changed the words to Yes Jesus Loves You (and he does) and the jerk went red in the face and redder even as he couln't make his lock work in time for him to slink out of the spotlight.
merry xmas to you sir.
This really hurts.
The chrisrtmas carols on saturday night were moved from the park and into the church ( I wont say which one) and the whole things was a shambles.
the masterton brass band down one end trying to tone it down while the god botherers who had the mikes at the other end were trying to outdo the band while the poor people in the middle didn't know which way to look.
the mayor was there with his bodyguards who hadn't even bothered to change.
It was awful.
peace on earth goodwill to all men.
and nuts to everyone else.
especially the New Musical Express.
Love wil tear us apart is not the best song ever written in the last 60 years..
are you guys whacked out on something?
pseudo trotskyite nihilism?
I prefer Apeman by the Kinks.
black caps.
good one boys.
saw the piccy of martin guptill on prime.
he meant it.
thats the spirit.
merry xmas to you.
merry xmas to david letterman.
I'm watching him right now.
Bruce and Linda.
merry xmas to the horn section.
the bass player
and Paul.
say hello to willie next time ya see him.
and bob dylan.
and the Prez.
Friday, December 21, 2012
now thank we all our God...
Now thank we all our God
With hearts and hands and voices.
Who wondrous things has done,
In whom the world rejoices.
You, from our mothers’ arms
Have blessed us on our way
With countless gifts of love.
And still are ours today.
O may You, bounteous God,
Through all our life be near us,
With ever joyful hearts
And blessed peace to cheer us;
The one eternal God
Whom heaven and earth adore,
For thus it was, is now,
And shall be evermore.
went and sang carols at the baptist hall this morning.
got chucked out about three years ago for singing slightly druggy 60's stuff at the Saturday market so I resolved to gather a real repertoire of genuine chrisitian songs for you all.
my favourite is Now thank We All our God
Cora from fisher place, she used to play the piano for the thursday service at saint marks bless her , gave me the music. I cant play it except very slowly.
Its pian music and comes out like chord melody playing on the guitar.
It has a different chord for nearly every beat with fabulous "Anglican" changes.
Bit by bit I am putting it together in my memory and one day the central organiser will release it entire.
blessed day.
And Martin Rinkart was a man.
Thank you God for the simple pleasures and giving air for a saint.
hi wailblob and maria.
still looking I see.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
are you out there?
out here on the perimeter there are no stars
we are stoned
fuck this is boring.
I have never met so many people bereft of any ideas about what is happening than here now.
one of these day this train will not stop at tucumcarri.
anyway thats bye the question that it desont work but here it has been refined to a cocatenation of not much.
if you know what I mean?
the country has been bombarded by the media which considered in toto is basically drivel.
maybe that is what is needed to run a boobocracy like ours.
I dont really know the answer to that one.
but the fact is the country is bordering on inanity.
think about that over your xmas takahe.
we are stoned
fuck this is boring.
I have never met so many people bereft of any ideas about what is happening than here now.
one of these day this train will not stop at tucumcarri.
anyway thats bye the question that it desont work but here it has been refined to a cocatenation of not much.
if you know what I mean?
the country has been bombarded by the media which considered in toto is basically drivel.
maybe that is what is needed to run a boobocracy like ours.
I dont really know the answer to that one.
but the fact is the country is bordering on inanity.
think about that over your xmas takahe.
reason to beleive...
I'm getting really sick of being told what to believe.
this am in the dompost sports commie Mark Reason says I should be PROUD of 11 guys who kick a ball round for an hour.
I dont give a shit about football and I might feel proud if I personally accomplished something but not about someone elses paid puppets running round on a fottball field burning up jet fuel and stinking up the sky and life itself.
grow up.
and also.
whats wrong with TELECOM
their latest ad features a truculent boy who steals off his mother and then showers his bedroom with the stuff he has stolen.
is this the way we are supposed to behave?
is this funneeee?
Has this whoile country become completely infantilised and taken leave of its senses?
this am in the dompost sports commie Mark Reason says I should be PROUD of 11 guys who kick a ball round for an hour.
I dont give a shit about football and I might feel proud if I personally accomplished something but not about someone elses paid puppets running round on a fottball field burning up jet fuel and stinking up the sky and life itself.
grow up.
and also.
whats wrong with TELECOM
their latest ad features a truculent boy who steals off his mother and then showers his bedroom with the stuff he has stolen.
is this the way we are supposed to behave?
is this funneeee?
Has this whoile country become completely infantilised and taken leave of its senses?
Masterton on the wonk this xmas....
went to town this morning.
the omen was aa dead sheep in a paddock for all to see.
then some dweeb lent on his horn because the bus was seeting down passengers and he couldnt wait.
what the fuck is going in?
I thought horns were for reasonable traffic warnings.
not an extension of some important nobodies ego.
anyway did my bizzo and then went for some eye and ear relief in the park.
there are cars in the park.
has the Masterton District Council taken leave of its senses.
if you want noise and teenage creepps in cars with no mufflers then just hang out on Queen Street.
If you want relief from the cares of the world then dont go to the park.
It has been uglified.
you know.
look at my car and kiss my ass.
The pressing issue at the next local body elections will be how to get some sort of aesthtic sensibility back into the town.
At the moment its being overridden by cretins in cars.
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new zealand is the place where the baby is always chucked out with the bathwater, no one says what they mean, and whatever policy plank anyo...