Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Pseudo Christianity....

Boxing Day today.
Hot and muggy.
My sister got A XMAS BONUS SO SHE FILLED HER TANK UP AND came and picked me up so we could do the boxing day crawl on the main street of Masterton which was pretty crowded.
she brought me some yummy home made  mince pies and we had pork sandwiches left over from yesterday with her husband.
I got a full run down on recent family history and she was all great mate.
MY keyboard is overflowing with breadcrumbs and other foreign matter and is sticking.
when I FINISH THIS I Will disassemble it as far as I am able and give it a bit of a clean out.
and we went to the warehouse where I snagged a cheapo cd of George Jones doing Hank Williams  songs.
Back in the day when the NZBS was the moral arbiter for all of New Zealand Georges reputation was a bit louche so he was dismissed out of hand and now it seems only the cognoscenti know him and his wonderful warm voice and vocal stylings.
He was pretty good.
Now it seems as if National Radio is only the arbiter of who is their friend on f*ckbook or other inconsequential nonsense and it has become impossible to tell with announcers like Kathryn Ryan  and the oleaginous mr krrump with their continual and incessant use of  interrogatives whether they are telling somebody their own business or interviewing them.
as for moral standards or commentary its all five minute wonder stuff and on to the next thing and anything goes unless you are a dyke or a homo.
then they want you to kiss their asses to make up for millenia of discrimination and any other grievance they can conjure up.
not likely mate.
you might catch something.
and next year they will cover every issue yet once again just about to the day.
I suppose their heads are so filled with self importance that they cant remember what they did last year
what the fuck has happened to the world?
and upon reflection on the carols it has become a commonplace that many Christians and especially the ones that want to be known as Christians have become adept at excusing incompetence by claiming it is the equivalent of sincerity.
incompetence is incompetence and is neither the equivalent of sincerity nor piety.
just an excuse for being an idiot.
and don't forget that you and you know who you are that you will have to answer before God at the end.
God doesn't mind dorks but he does mind those who pretend that being a dork is a mark of having a higher calling.
because the sin is the same one as Peter  having his feet washed by Jesus.
he was too proud and so are you.
You have come by your positions too easily and as they say you are not up to it.
something fell out of the keyboard  and I couldn't see where it was supposed to go back in so I just got an old one and it will have to do.

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