Sunday, December 16, 2012

memo to hooton...& other chestnuts

Those were the days my friend we thought they'd never end.
we'd live forever anda day.
it all turned to crap somewhere around the invention of the microprocessor.
now everybody has everything exept nous.
the more ya get the more dissatrisfied people become.
wrap it up and throw it away.
how can you really have fun if it takes all weekend to get a flight somewhere in Europe and back.
how does ity feel to be one of the beautiful people indeed.
hey baby you're a rich man too.
stayed home to listen to hooton and williams disect the political year on 9-noon.
hooton: the year was shambolic, unstructured and no theme.
williams: shearer will be leader
memo to hooton. if you want a theme then you should hire an ad agency!
like New Zeland 100 pure shambles.
com ehere and experience the lunacy.
its everywhere.
and nationals green paper on child poverty.
the local member (flaccid is his middle name) has three half hour meetings advertised for a major policy.
bully bully.
ya get that.
apart from that it is all anticyclonic gloom.
come back from a walk to the supermarket to get some tea and noticed that the chestnut tree so horribly slaughtered in its prime is sending out a veritABLE FOREST OF SHOOTS.
if I knew enough I would find out how to cut them off and pot them up.
they are more prolific than I thought.
the fruits are edible and many local chinese people scoop them up when they are ready.
perhaps a new local industry.
nah. if it was possible somebody else would have already done it by now.
what the fuck would you know about anything?
I hear on afternoons with Jim Mora that the local auckland rag is shooting for a population of 12,000,000 asap.
yeah right.
all they care about is circulation and reatail sales and anything else as far as quality of life and generating industry is totally off the radar.
they wouldn't really know what making things is all about but there ya go.
more is better.
if things dont work out then the local rednecks will have someone else to bash up.

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