Monday, December 3, 2012

Socrates and New Zealand

Socrates would not have lasted five minutes in NZ.
Everybody here thinks that because they know something they know everything.
Especially the young who have done a three month course somewhere and think they are fully fledged academics.
Just because you google soemthing or check it out on the wiki does not mean that you know what you are talking about.
At the moment the country is suffering from severe delusions of grandeur.
the country that lost its head.
This government of manques and parvenus have handed out all this money to councils who have basically wasted it on fixing things that aren't broken and dont need fixing.
like carterton man is gonna be the next courtenay place.
yeah right.
and BTW.
fuck the pommy rugby union.
if they have to poison our team so they can win then they are just another gang of juvenile cheapskates.
send them all to makoo peekoo and hopefully a mayan will stuff his blowpipe up their arse .
BTW 2.
The portable park benches next door get dragged onto the footpath to mow the lawn but they are never put back.
How are the old folks with their zimmerframes and disablitlities supposed to deal with these obstacles is beyond me.
maybe these people know something I dont?
like how to waste the budget (again) but not know what to do once they have done it.

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