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Douglas Skyrocket |
Or Bill Bridgemans either.
Wonderful stuff about the American dream and authentic human beings.
Those guys really put their lives on the line just as surely as if they were in combat.
Listening to Kim Hill this morning interviewing a russophile who lots to say about life in Putin's Russia and the inauthentic people in control now.
And how we live in a world now of relativism and how nobody believes in anything anymore.
I think that is true.
Thank you Kim.
I have thoughts of my own about Russia but I am afraid that even here far away from all that if I really express myself about any criminal regime then they will exact revenge.
troooo mate.
when you read history you realise just how many scumbags have managed to rise to the top.
The sub-text of Yeager is spite and envy which are rife as always.
and snoops.
After he had broken the sound barrier somebody went through his file and found he had not fully completed the Test Pilots Course so all the weaklings and no talents pulled together and tried to bust him out.
Without powerful protection from big wheels Chuck would have been shot down by any jealous superior officer who wanted to vent their jealousy.
Even during the war Chuck Yeagers abilities were recognised and on one sortie a superior officer in a flight over Germany would not close up in tight formation because he would not take an order from an inferior.
He would have preferred to be shot down!
anyway Chuck got on his tail and gave him a burst of 6 x .50's over the top of his canopy and he got the message.
Then he complained but the upshot was he was removed from the squadron.
Never trouble trouble
Until trouble troubles you;
For you only make your trouble
Double-trouble when you do;
And the trouble — like a bubble —
That you're troubling about,
May be nothing but a zero
With its rim rubbed out.
but I guess I am just annoyed with the guy next door.
He thought he could harass me and get away with it.
anyway he claims to be a gardener but he has not got a clue.
I have worked at several prestigious institutions as a gardening labourer under supervision of people who were trained.
They didn't make it up.
And when I worked for the WCC we never sprayed anything that I recall.
If there were weeds we hoed them out or bent over and pulled.
We never walked around with a spray pack squirting anything and everything in creation.
Furthermore we learned how to pick up rubbish and sweep up after ourselves.
You know.
somebody has removed all the detritus from the box hedge at Carter Court next door but the leavings make it look uglier than it was before!
He just cant seem to do anything right!
Is there no one there who knows how to supervise an idiot?
Now when I look over the hedge he is inside fiddling about with the old people.
He cant garden and he is a snoop.
What is wrong here?
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