Sunday, January 17, 2016

speeding through the universe, thinking is the best way to travel...

I never tire of re-reading Chuck Yeagers biography.
As a kid one is brought up to beleive in the integrity of ones betters and pride of achievement.
Chuck  certainly did that.
He did it all.
Almost a superman but his tale is replete with jealousy envy and horrible people trying to trip him up and get the better of him all because he did it and they did not.
That is New Zealand writ large.
Little people trying to be big ones but mainly they are just plastic fakes.
mediocre intellectual nonentitys
They all got plastic hotrods cool jeans ugly wives and groovy haircuts been everywhere done everything  none of them ever made one of their own themselves or did anything special except drive around making a big noise!
i wrote this sometime ago and nothing has changed but the twin dangers of climate change an ai malevolence have increased the danger
watch this space

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