Monday, April 11, 2016

TKO on Radio New Zealand 9-noon this morning, kathryn ryan knocked subconscious...

KR did a a quite good interview with British philosopher John Begginni this am.
about free will with an admixture of genes and cod philosophy.
she kept wanting to talk about the subconscious which is a term used by laymen who want to appear learned but just end up sounding silly and the interviewee was too polite to correct her when he should have.
Ryan also seems to believe that social media is the sine qua non be all and end all of everything.
does she not know that people lie about themselves all the time on f*ckbook and most to them are narcissistic solipsists with no idea bout anything.
never mind.
Ryan wants to appear learned but she is just a journalist really looking for a STORY and facile to boot.
truth comes a distant second.
and the originals still the greatest!

Experience teaches us no less clearly than reason that men believe themselves to be free simply because they are conscious of their  own actions  and unconscious of the causes whereby those actions are determined, and further, it is plain that the dictates of the mind are but another name for the appetites and thereby vary according to the varying state of the body. 

Baruch Spinoza

Miracle in High Street Masterton this morning.
I saw a man using a BROOM to sweep up his hedge clippings.
not a leaf blower in sight!

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