Wednesday, April 6, 2016

who miffed merk richardson...

poor old merk. his trouble is he believes that everybody else feels the same as he does.
he has a pseudopodic ego that wants to reach out and engulf anything and everything into  his embrace and become one with him.
the one and only merk!
the big I AM.
yesterday he was on about poor people and getting tough.
yeah right.
dont forget merk.
sam colt made all men equal so being tough just aint enough.
haw haw haw!
and now  heres haley!

and now the crowd goes really wild.

The stars at night - are big and bright
Deep in the heart of texas.
The prairie sky - is wide and high
Deep in the heart of texas.
The sage in bloom - is like perfume
Deep in the heart of texas.
Reminds me of - the one I love
Deep in the heart of texas.
The cowboys cry - ki-yip-pie-yi
Deep in the heart of texas.
The rabbits rush - around the brush
Deep in the heart of texas.
The coyotes wail - along the trail
Deep in the heart of texas.
The doggies bawl - and bawl and bawl
Deep in the heart of texas.

Texas does the decent thing.

Listened to Jim yesterday and Boag and Brain were on.
The thing is with people like Boag they think they are sui generis, fully formed when they sprang from the womb and unanalysable.
Psychoanalysis is not just an excuse to talk about sex in mixed company but the best tool so far invented for understanding people but in the incomparable Kiwi way they dont want to know.
Like economics its too hard and besides they all have brains so they know whats wrong with them.
What they mean is they graduated from UNI and got a job.

Have just discovered Rumpole of the Bailey in print form.
always thought they were a bit stodgy but they are seriously funny and most enjoyable.  

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