Saturday, June 4, 2022

ideas have consequences...

 By conflating smoking pot with morality and staying on side with the justice industry and their "bidness" a certain cabinet minister has let loose the people who want to shoot their way into wealth and hegemony and prey on any one they feel like. As a member of the bar it can only be assumed he wants the income from thisx supposed OFFENCE.

the failure of the cannabis referendum opened the door for the traffic in cannabis to be co-mingled with amphetamines and the windfall profits to be made in this trade.

If these politicians are so far up their own backsides that they cannot see the results of their actions then they need to be replaced either in cabinet or on the list. 

and the antis have put loyal party members in the invidious position of either agreeing or being accused of disloyalty otherwise I would name the person responsible for this infamy.

"It should not be hastily assumed that because a particular set of controversies passes out of the public mind that the implied problems were solved in any fundamental sense. Quite often the solution is a magical solution which changes nothing in the conditions affecting the tension lev el in the community."

Harold Lasswell


Psychopathology & Politics

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