Saturday, August 26, 2023

last man standing...

 Its a long story but I will try not to bore you.

I live in what is supposed to be a protected environment.

It used to be owned by the Carterton District Council but they ended up selling it to The Carter Society for $1.

People come and people go. Either by ambulance, hearse or next door into the home.

The manager of the rest home was plucked from toastmasters because somebody liked her and given the gig for which she is entirely unsuited and it appears her credentials and bona fides were never investigated.

She rules by fear aided and abetted by sneaks and tattle tales. Apparently the atmosphere in the home has really tanked.

Nobody likes her and they dont like the woman employed to mow the lawns who basically is an enforcer if you know what I mean. When she abused one of the residents and the manager just swept it under the carpet. hmmmmmmmmmm. 

I have seen quite a few come and go from the other half of my unit but the latest is a cro magnon and when he moved in the first thing he said was he wanted to get rid of the tree outside his place!

This guy told me that when he moved into a rented home in Wainuiomata the first thing he did was remove all the rose bushes on the property.

There was a lovely lavender bush in the margin around his place and when he knew I liked it he killed it!

To cut a long story short the mower woman was suborned into telling the manager that the two trees needed to come down because they were lifting the concrete pavement and the footpath needed smoothing. So how do you smooth out a raised pavement? It may be that the footpath needed remedial work but that would be the decision of a qualified person. Anybody in the world is at liberty to come and look for themselves. Furthermore if work of this nature was to be carried out then the pavement would have to be totally removed and then relaid and then then any roots could have been excised at that point rather than felling the trees themselves.  

This whole episode is a sorry travesty of management that really have no idea except to help themselves to a very large load of free firewood with a whole load of spurious excuses.

She got the go ahead with no engineers report and managed a nice little earner for her and her husband at a days pay for both plus four loads of free firewood @ $300 a load thats $1200 clear and free. Would this encourage fringe benefit tax?

Talking to the shit people of porritt place (her words)  the decison was made some time ago but I was never informed.

This is a terrible act of vandalism and philistinism when global warming is rampant and every tree counts. 

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