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All Purpose David Byrne |
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Handley Page Hermes |
not much to say today kiddies.
Except that I have the series of PROPLINER 1-35 for sale to any one who cares to contact this blog.
Big congrats to Inez Awatere-Walker from Hastings Community Mental Health.
she knows that the theory of 'it takes one to know one' is invalid and lets hope she can take it as far as it can go.
Brian Fay demolishes the argument completely in his boook "The Contemporary Philosophy Of The Social Sciences".
and it is well that some people should realise that to criticise is not to insult and that some people have the best interest of others at heart and want what is best and not just good.
anyway enough of that stuff.
At the moment I am listneing to The Weavers. A great group from New York in the fifities. Everyone knows their songs but dont know them.
Weird huh?
Good to see the potus giving a rational brushoff to those who want to partake of the weed.
But it can cause emphysema, lung infections and heavy users dont really sleep properly for about three months after termination.
Apart from that go for it.
tee hee.
Will play Rambo tonight.
A truly great movie up there in the pantheon of Hollywood Movie making.
Not for the lily livered or the last year in marienblah crowd!
Still looking for another copy of True Stories.
They were going for about $4.99 at the resdhed several years agoand I kept buying copies and giving them away and now I cant find one for myself.
Ya uh get that.
stuff comes and stuff goes.
wah wah wah.
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