Monday, January 27, 2014

Stranger And Friend.... or what happened in history

Hortense Powdermaker

Margaret Mead

V. Gordon Childe

Found a really good copy of 'What Happened In History' by V. Gordon Childe yesterday.
One of the building blocks for an understanding of our world. A must read before the faculty tries to confuse you with the obscurantists like Levi-Strauss. When somebody mnentions him I feel as if they are just like all post modernists trying to confuse you so their own position is protected!
Happy trails kiddies.

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Ruth Benedict
'they' all try and pretend that these people are old fashioned and what they have to say doesn't matter anymore but the truth is what they have to say is more and more important every day but you know the score. fair is foul and foul is fair and we know everything there is to know and what we dont know doesn't matter or we would know it.
what is most important is my trip to some foreign country so I can gawk at the natives and come back with bullshit made up stories or other tripe that is basically inconsequential.

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