Its a well know fact that when arrivisitas come to the country looking for the good life the first thing they do is try and get their mitts on the civic strings and try a makeover that suits them.
You know.
Drag all the bumpkins up to their level.
We so hip because we come from wellington.
hahahahaha fucking ha.
It has nothing to do with what is good but what they think is good for people who have lived there all there lives.
I went to the meeting. I told them that Carterton is a Cow town. You can smell milk in the early morning drifitng in over the town from milking sheds and you can see beef everywhere.
The sign should have been horizontal in Western letterng instead of some faux hip arty farty extension of courtenay place te papa vertical symbolism aspiration blab.
and they complain about stuff they dont like they see from their cars.
well get out and walk and do something about the dog shit around the town on the footpaths.
anyway its great to see a breath of fresh air in the CEO's office at the Masterton District Council.
a real life full blown no nonsense academic.
At the moment the wairarapa is pregnant with potential.
anyone who has read the BERL report knows that farming and services is what keeps the place going an anything else is an optional extra.
Its time to draw all or some of the disparate strands together and create something real and vital.
break down walls and forge institutions that are not private bailiwicks but self sustaining contributors to the greater commonweal.
Think the Scottish enlightenment and that is just a start.