Sunday, December 18, 2016

civil society in New Zealand...

I read the letter in this mornings Dompost chastising the farmer in Kaikoura who blew his cool at Gerry Brownlee who handled it by giving as good as he got.
The letter writer seemed to think that if the gubmint is doing something then shut up.
See that is the notion fostered by the Civil Society people as if they invented it yesterday.
shut up.
dont criticise.
dont talk back to your betters etc etc.
we know whats good for you and if we dont know then it doesn't matter because if it did then we would know it!

a bit like the going up and going down column in yesterdays Sunday magazine.
dont tell us the world is going to hell in a handbasket because we dont want to know.
we just want to go shopping!

great to hear the lovely mature voice of Dionne Warwick on nine to noon RNZ this a.m.
better than the usual run of whining gamines that seem to be the only ones to get airplay on that slot?

My unit is being inspected today by the new proprietors.
I could not move in for three months when I got it because of the awful smell in the carpet from the previous tenant.
she used to go away and leave the window open for the cats to come in and piss all over the floor.
They should have put new carpet in but they didn't.
needed the money for the events centre.
photocopying there is still sixty cents a sheet.
must be the most expensive in the country.
and the lino in the toilet is in three sections.
yeah right.

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