Sunday, December 18, 2016

when the mode of the music changes...

The Fugs - Wide, Wide River lyrics

(gospel sound)
River of shit,
River of shit,
Flow on, flow on, river of shit,
Right from my toes,
On up to my nose,
Flow on, flow on, river of shit.

(transition to Rock)
I've been swimming In this river of shit,
More than 20 years, and I'm getting tired of it,
Don't like swimming, hope it'll soon run dry,
Got to go on swimming, cause I don't want to die.

(spoken with gospel sound in background):
Who dealt this mess, anyway?
Yea, it's an old card player's term,
but sometimes you can use the old switcheroo and it can be applied to ...
Frontal politics
What I mean is ...
Who was it that set up a system,
supposedly democratic system,
Where you end up always voting for the lesser of two evils?
I mean, Was George Washington the lesser of two evils?
Sometimes I wonder ...
You got some guy that says
"For God sake, we've got to stop having violence in this country."
While he's spending 16,000 dollars a second snuffing gooks.

(gospel sound musical ending with:
A wiiiiiiiiiiiiide, big brown river, yea, bringing health, wealth, and prosperity to every man, women, and child.

The Fugs
It Crawled Into My Hand (1968)

Johnny Pissoff Meets The Red Angel....4:32

I sit alone in the bar
Drinkin’ Scarlett O’Haras.
I skipped the rails by the boxing gloves,
I love to punch out fags.
Don’t startle me with sudden noise
‘Cause I stomp all over you.
And, I love it! I love it! I love to fight!
And, hey mister, tell all the niggers,
My name is Johnny! Johnny Pissoff!

Last night I had a dream
Of a gook head, skeet-shootin’ mama,
And The Red Angel was scolding me
And calling my name!
I woke up all sweating, my derringer in hand.
I have a hand grenade ladder
And a burp gun under the bed.
And, hey mister, tell all the commies,
My name is Johnny! Johnny Pissoff!

I’d love to get my hands on Sirhan Sirhan!
I’d rip out his spine and shove it down his throat!
Today, I cut some frog’s legs off
And I left him by the pond.
But I’d never kill a president
But I’d kill him in my dreams.
And, hey mister, tell all the draft card burners,
My name is Johnny! Johnny Pissoff!

They showed me yesterday on the TV set
How the cowboys used karate
On a hippie parade for feedom.
I hear next season’s cowboys are gonna
Kick each other’s crotch.
Hell, I nearly had to kill a bunch of peace queers
Sunday morning, holding signs outside of church!
Ain’t no pink fag legislator gonna say I can’t have guns!
And, hey mister, tell all the whole wide sky,
My name is Johnny! Johnny Pissoff.

* * * * * * * * * *

When The Red Angel comes and the TV is cold,
Will you pray in the dawn for the rest of your soul?
When you lie in the dour death coma,
Do you think you’re gonna go to heaven, oh Johnny,
With a violent heart? With a violent heart?
Are you ready Johnny? Are you ready?

Ahimsa, oh Johnny, ahimsa!
In the spinning confusion, ahimsa!
In the blood of life, death, and torture,
Ahimsa! Ahimsa! Ahimsa!
Ahimsa, is the seashell of Buddha.
Ahimsa, is the rose and the lamb.

When The Red Angel comes and the TV is cold
Will you pray in the dawn for the rest of your soul?
When you lie in the dour death coma,
Do you think you’re gonna go to heaven, oh Johnny,
With a violent heart? With a violent heart?
With a violent heart? With a violent heart?

note: Ahimsa is a Sanskrit term meaning ‘peace’. Literally, it is ‘no violence’,or ‘no himsa’.

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