Tuesday, December 20, 2016

makin' it, fakin' it, breakin' it....

got two nifty books from the 60's from the library the other day.
supposed to be Christmas reading.
 cant put them down.
Glyn Johns did them all.
He got cranky and grumpy at the end but he got the sounds. funny thing is all the stuff he likes I dont and all the stuff he doesn't like I do.
but we both agree on The Steve Miller Band.
there ya go.
Hoskins book on 60's and 70's Woodstock and the denizens is an eye opener.
I must admit to retailing scuttlebut about some of the protagonists.
it semed like a good idea at the time but in the end it was hurtful gossip for which I apologise to all.
the music biz was always about taking sides but all thats over now.
Nobody is innocent and we all have flaws that are allowed a greater or lesser part to play in our lives.
somehow it is the goal to rise above them.

In some ways I'm glad our band never got to the states.
I would not have lasted.
gone down in a blizzard of coke and smack.

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