Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Just for the hell of it...

once a week this rag called the wairarapa news slithers into my leterbox.
this week the column by Rick Long was a slimy nasty attack on the late David Lange that was just rubbish and then the editor, one piers fuller (immigrant) has the gall to lionise the wairarapas standing bobble head joke.
rick is an inheritor who beleives he did it all himself.
yeah right.
prefers the cacophony of his own guitar to being a team player and fuller is a snivelling psychophant who thinks he has to grease up these dinosaurs to find a place in Masterton society.
yeah right.

a bit like Jesse Mulligan.
he who cannot resist inserting himself into his radio programme.
must be very insecure to need to think that he is bigger than the job.
are there no wise heads in RNZ to straighten him up.
Its  bad enough having to go to bat against the partisan tory idiots on facebook without having to do the friggin editors job for him

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