Friday, September 30, 2011

the followers of the keeper of the flame

gathered and looked for the sacred light that seemed to dim every time they looked. it was nearly out. what was to  be done? how could they bring it back. nobody sememd to know.

I can see clearly now

forgot to mention a quick visit to the family shop this am.
found two cassettes, remember them?
one by Johnny Nash with I Can See Clearly Now on it and one by Crystal Gayle without her big hits but a reading of Miss the Mississipi by Jimmie Rodgers onit.
I can see clearly now is in the Key of D with a nifty bridge with a hemiola, a key change and a crescendo that covers all the bases. A good song to play and try out all your skills on.
Miss The Mississippi is a beautiful tune. Jimmie rodgers was more than just a hillbilly countrysinger. This song is almost an art song with parts and chorusses that blow you away and on the original I think Louis Armstrong played cornet. Or was that "Any Old Time"? It dont matter. Jess grab em all and enjoy it.
Crystal Gayles most popular song is "Dont It Make My Brown Eyes Blue" but I like "River Road" the classic absconding song which dead heats with Rodney Crowells "Leaving Louisiana" for angst and insight into the common condition.

Dow Jones loses 11% since april

Things are getting hairy in world financial markets.
Everbody is sweating because of the fear of global meltdown.
Once J.P. Morgan was asked by a trembling tyro what the markets were going to do.
He said they were going to go up and they were going to go down.
So if all boatrs rise at the same time then hopefully all boats will fall at the same time.
If not then the system is skewed towards those who can take advantage and this is not fair at all.
If the Dow has dropped 11% since april then productionis down and people must just tighte n their belts.

No good complaining because that wont do anything at all.Sometimes you just have to suck it up and thats that.

the best of the original fleetwood mac

just got back from town. quiet village.
craft fair in Masterton and lamb and calf day at Dalefield.
Samoa played the Boks in Wellingotn last night so
a lot of people would have gone there.
Posters from my favourite movies today.
Feeling fantastic dudes!
Included the best of the original Fleetwood Mac CD.
Back in the day of the British Blues Boom of the 60's
the bands seemed to specialise in particular styles.
The Mac at first had Jeremy Spencer who had the
Elmore James slide style down pat. Mainly in D
but some in E. Peter Green brought the
single note B.B. KIng arpeggio style into the band 
and they more or less had it all.
Careful listening will let the beginner hear all
the subtleties and riffs with an ear.
Elmore James was all about drive and 
zing while  the single note style
is more cerebral.
So take your pick.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

old five and dimers like me...

too much aint enough for old five and dimers like me.
 Love billy joe shaver.
he wrote a great soongbook for waylon jennings.
He must be a millionaire by now.
Everyman and his dog covered his best tunes and they
were crackers without a doubt.
tee hee.
There are two albums  called honky tonk heroes and both have the same tunes on them. 
Both have  Waylon hisself and  the
second has Billy Joe,  Willie Nelson and Kris Kristofferson.
The only one missing was Johnny Cash. 
He must have had
a previous engagement.
My academic music skills are not diploma level but many
of the songs seem to be in 6/8 which giving them a
rolling almost old fashioned beat. that dont matter
a wit.   mostly all in an easy tempo
allowing  plenty of holes for fills or leads without
getting in the way. lots of choice pedal steel
for the decorations and  if you fast enough you can keep up.
cant be bothered with politics to day. all dross and
petty and mostly stupid.
Right now its Big Bill Broonzy, letting it all hang down on 
Radio Arrow FM. Dave Sindens Blues Show on
access radio. Hey Hey. Big Bill was one of the first early
blues masters to cross the atlantic and let the british 
boys see how it was done properly on accoustic
guitar. its great stuff and once you get up to speed you can play along to him for  hours!!!!! 
try and  obtain a CD. They used to have them at the warehouse
 but lately they all seem to have disappeared.
mores the pity. 

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Her royal Highness Elizabeth Regina

Dear Madam,
please do something about the boobies, bimmbo's and cretins in the BBC who are going to dispense with reckoning in the Christian era.
Why are they giving into malevolent, malignant, infantilised juveniles who have never done anything in this world except get affronted when things didn't go their way?
What does the BBC think it is doing?
Whenever I watch the BBC world service I see a whole lot of up themselves cardboard cutouts who think their own sh*t doesn't stink and that they know everything because they have a good job.Another gaggle of idiots who think life is swanning round the world in dirty jets and putting up in high priced hotels and having all manner of another people kiss their bums.
And now they think they can alter world history just to suit themselves.
It doesn't work like that you boobies.
Ask the people of Britain what they think.
I remain your loyal servant.

Smash Hits

Go the Warriors.

so you want to be a rock and roll star

thats all she wrote.

memo to the BBC

Adult persons dont get offended by the world.
Only small minded jumped up popinjays.

a long time ago in a galaxy far far away...

step right up folks and see little egypt.
 she walks she talks she crawls on her belly like a reptile.
I went and bought myself a ticket and I sat down in the very front row oh wo oh wow.

having a fun day?

We live in a community.
We know each other.
more or less?
nothing is hidden.
it all seethes away on the surface and thats it!
Reality sandwiches.
have a bite.
and its like the don says in the godafther."it's all personal".
and it is.
I dont mind.
And you dont matter.
Tough Sh*t!
Have a nice day.
Are ya reddy punk.
Well are yuh?

I watched Star Wars again last night. vhs. It never gets old and the good guys always win.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

looking here and there, looking everywhere...

Town to day.
Very quiet. not many about.
Had lunch with my sister who just got back from Rarotonga after a weeks holiday. She looked very relaxed and she said it was great and the people were really nice.
which brings me to Karl Dufresenes column in the dompost and specifically about service in New Zealand.
This also ties in with the headline on the front page this morning about why kids dont walk to school anymore.
Wel they have a cell phone, flick flick.
A remote for the tv, flick flick.
an auto tranny in the car, flick flick and the teachers at school tell them only their own truths count so they busy giving everyone else the flick flick too. We are KIwi's. No amount of money is enough to make me do service with grace.
Karl you should go to the local telecom store in Masterton. Its the talk of the town how rude they are in there and Paul Reynolds would be really pissed off if he knew what they were up to. Unbelievable.
The BBC has said it is going to stop using BC and AD because it might offend some people who are not christians. Well I am offended that you are kowtowing to other religions that never built your nation and have no stake in democracy or fairness or the rule of law. England was built in the western tradition and not the eastern tradition of oriental despotism and law dispensed at the whim of the potentate. Get a grip you tossers. What really offends me was 1). tuning into a pommie soap last night and seeing a whole lot of horrible poeple snooping on each other with cellphones and minding each others business. Is this really life in Great Britian ? and 2) when is the BBC going to make some comedies instead of the creepy trash they are producing at the moment. Never mind about pissing off immigrants. If they dont like christianity then they can go back to where they came from and try protesting about something. Our era is defined by the birth of Christ and the judaic ethic of justice and the christian ethic of love still informs us and makes us who we are and you want to change it like your flipping underpants.
Phooey on you BBC.
Go the Warriors.

Saw the Manly team on the teevee last night and they dont look right. They know they are about to get it so give it to em. Dont hold back!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Wairarapa Afternoon

Came down to the old Gaytown for a bit wif my pal. the corner cafe had run out of sausage rolls, the best in the world so I had the steak, bacon and sweet chile pie. niceone!
I'm sitting here in the Library listening to the Ballad of Easy Rider on You Tube and letting the pie go down.
Got two vhs from the goodbye pile. Kelly's Heroes and Predator.
Hot fun in the old town tonight.
The midtown park is looking really nice ans when the trees gain some foliage it it will be a verdant leafy glade.
Its only Tuesday so the whole place has a laidback feel. Very rural but enough going on without dropping off.
Bumpy landing. One of McCarthy's loging trucks was right up our bum and nearly had to pullout in the middle of the main street.
Young guy.
too much testosterone and garbage in the earphones. flick flick F*CK! WATCHOUT!
Too bad if he creamed the Falcoon. New one please.
Waiting for my pal. He using the wi-fi. very handy. When Cartoontown gets the new library up and running I will miss coming down here. Its like a visit to another planet. You see a lot of home people here too. We all ignore each other and pretend we are well heeled touristas looking for that special item that only somewhere like here can furnish. Bad prose but hey. It was oldtimers week last week.
Reading Simon Montefiore's book on Jerusalem at the moment. Just the facts m'am. It should be called the shibboleth smasher. He lays waste to all the baggage that the major religions have picked up over the years and now retail as received truths.
One realises that most religiosos have a very narrow and constricted version of the truth and reality. As far as they are concerned the truth is what they say it is with no reference to the sources or the difficult parts of the original documents.
So we are getting  humbug in the main instead of the vital spiritual awakening that most people need to analyse their lives and make sense of it.
Its like the philosophers who read Wittgenstein and bullshit themselves that because he said that philosphy is therapy then they are getting better. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.
they just dim shits hiding behind someone elses obfuscations to pretend that somehow they are cured. But That leaves the big question; What from?
Hey dude..stop taunting the eggheads.

come on the Good Guys

sometimes you win sometimes you lose. goodtime charlies got the blues.

now for something completely different...