Tuesday, September 27, 2011

looking here and there, looking everywhere...

Town to day.
Very quiet. not many about.
Had lunch with my sister who just got back from Rarotonga after a weeks holiday. She looked very relaxed and she said it was great and the people were really nice.
which brings me to Karl Dufresenes column in the dompost and specifically about service in New Zealand.
This also ties in with the headline on the front page this morning about why kids dont walk to school anymore.
Wel they have a cell phone, flick flick.
A remote for the tv, flick flick.
an auto tranny in the car, flick flick and the teachers at school tell them only their own truths count so they busy giving everyone else the flick flick too. We are KIwi's. No amount of money is enough to make me do service with grace.
Karl you should go to the local telecom store in Masterton. Its the talk of the town how rude they are in there and Paul Reynolds would be really pissed off if he knew what they were up to. Unbelievable.
The BBC has said it is going to stop using BC and AD because it might offend some people who are not christians. Well I am offended that you are kowtowing to other religions that never built your nation and have no stake in democracy or fairness or the rule of law. England was built in the western tradition and not the eastern tradition of oriental despotism and law dispensed at the whim of the potentate. Get a grip you tossers. What really offends me was 1). tuning into a pommie soap last night and seeing a whole lot of horrible poeple snooping on each other with cellphones and minding each others business. Is this really life in Great Britian ? and 2) when is the BBC going to make some comedies instead of the creepy trash they are producing at the moment. Never mind about pissing off immigrants. If they dont like christianity then they can go back to where they came from and try protesting about something. Our era is defined by the birth of Christ and the judaic ethic of justice and the christian ethic of love still informs us and makes us who we are and you want to change it like your flipping underpants.
Phooey on you BBC.
Go the Warriors.

Saw the Manly team on the teevee last night and they dont look right. They know they are about to get it so give it to em. Dont hold back!

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