Saturday, September 17, 2011

south africa, fiji and linda ronstadt

half time.
listneing to the fugs.
very funny album. the fugs attempt mainstream r'n r.
they cant restrain themslevs and what you get is this performance.
so google reader chucks up Linda Ronstadt.
The history of music  of the twentieth century and there is no doubt that Linda Ronstadt Had one of the finest if not the finest voice in the twentieth century.
I've listened to them all.
Kiri, Joan Sutherland, french italian love song singers, the carter family, callas, leontine price, joni mitchell, joan baez, dusty springfeild, sandy denny, streisand, cilla balck, lulu, sandy shaw, helen shapiro, dee dee sharp, darlene love, ronnie spector, the shirelles, the exciters, the chiffons, fontella bass an' all but linda was the best.
cher second,
felicia collins third.
still investigating google reader. big potential here.
air crash at Reno. not sure if it was the national airraces or not?
so the meatloaf is nearly cooked and the game is back on.
letters to letterman

Hi Dave, are you watching the rugby world cup? 

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