Thursday, September 22, 2011

letters to letterman beware: adult content.

spring now.
still very cold in exposed places.
lots of icing sugar on the ranges.
going hard at it.
I never knew that they would put me in the goon suad.
but thats what happened.
hahahahahaha. (manaical shreiks from off stage right and left)
so in the end.
the love you take.
is equal to the love you make.
I gottta teazch some guy that he must become a model citizen and take care of the peop-le that cant take care of themselves.
that is the mission of christ as I see it
john lenin said that.
some piccies.
wrong turn supplied by the beast.
I'd never seen it or even heard of it.
the catlady sung last night.
she stroked the jackson with her fingers and I harmonised and banged a tambourine.
 sunny afternoon and the gypsy rover and morningtown ride.
here is some loop da loop movies and stuff from the fifties and maybe 60's?
its alzheimers week.

mustn't forget that.

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