The Psychology of Women-Volume 1-Girlhood
Psycho-analysis of the neuroses, by Dr. Helene Deutsch. Translated by W.D. Robson-ScottHelene Deutsch: A Psychoanalyst's Life (History of Ideas Series)
Psycho-analysis of the neuroses, by Dr. Helene Deutsch. Translated by W.D. Robson-Scott
In New Zealand it is common when you mention Freuds name to meet with a wall of hostility and invective.
He was this or he was just that and never anything complimentary.
Just driven off with what are usually arguments from authority. i.e. the speaker relying on their position or status to belittle and squash his work.
Or when you see him mentioned it is side by side with Jung which only serves too illustrate the fact that whoever wrote that piece has never read either of them and is commenting by hearsay.
Freud reeived a great knockback in New Zealand when the little weasel Karl Popper who ran away from Europe before WWII and scuttled back there as soon as it was overanaged to convince all the anal types that psychoanalysis was a pseudo science and there fore of no account. Notwithstanding the fact that Freud was made a citizen of England the day after he arrived from Vienna where he left o escape Nazi persecution. And in his first week in England the Roysal Society sent round the membership roll for him to sign. the one and only time it has ever left the society's premisses. In the meantime Popper did his best to demean and falsify the work of Freud and psychoanalysis because deep in his rotten little heart ]he knew that Freud or someone with Freuds training would be able to see right through him.
As the intellectual stocks of the country were drained away by the war he got away with it and the social services in this country have never been the same since.
We now live in a country where everybody makes it up as they go along and any attemp to get to the bottom of anything is met with obfuscation and other tricks of denial.
Its very sad really to be set adrift with no map of the mind except the crap off the back of a weetbix packet.
Anyway I have included FReuds best book ofr beginners and the manual that simplifies the hard bits and lets the layman have some insight without being pushed into folowwing some guru and their teaching. It is possible to do it yourself.
And dont believe the crap that some people from AA tell ya. surveys done in the US show that the ones that benefit most from this approach are salesmen?????????????
And if you can find them here are three vital book about the psychology of woemen fby Helene Deutsch. She studdies under Freud and she knew a thing or two.
As for Popper. He was interviewd before he died and all he could dowas crow about how he had stymied the Vienna Circle of Logical POsitivists with his logic of scepticism. And showing of his carpentry. I wonder who he thought he was...hahahahahahahahahahaha.He never created anything. All he did was try and cut down others who were brighter than him and had better things to do than argue pseudo philosophic questions. And showing of his carpentry. I wonder who he thought he was...hahahahahahahahahahaha.
So the purpose of this little piece is to try to energise the social sciences in New Zealand. They need it. As it stands it is bogged down in academic philosophy nad the spurious calims of so called cognitive science. They dont know what they are doing because they dont know ehre to start and they dont know where they are going.The philosophers hide behind Wittgensteins opinion that philosophy is therapy. nada. Thats just bullshit desinged to stop them "knowing themselves" as the ineffectual limpos that they really are. hehehehehe.
He was this or he was just that and never anything complimentary.
Just driven off with what are usually arguments from authority. i.e. the speaker relying on their position or status to belittle and squash his work.
Or when you see him mentioned it is side by side with Jung which only serves too illustrate the fact that whoever wrote that piece has never read either of them and is commenting by hearsay.
Freud reeived a great knockback in New Zealand when the little weasel Karl Popper who ran away from Europe before WWII and scuttled back there as soon as it was overanaged to convince all the anal types that psychoanalysis was a pseudo science and there fore of no account. Notwithstanding the fact that Freud was made a citizen of England the day after he arrived from Vienna where he left o escape Nazi persecution. And in his first week in England the Roysal Society sent round the membership roll for him to sign. the one and only time it has ever left the society's premisses. In the meantime Popper did his best to demean and falsify the work of Freud and psychoanalysis because deep in his rotten little heart ]he knew that Freud or someone with Freuds training would be able to see right through him.
As the intellectual stocks of the country were drained away by the war he got away with it and the social services in this country have never been the same since.
We now live in a country where everybody makes it up as they go along and any attemp to get to the bottom of anything is met with obfuscation and other tricks of denial.
Its very sad really to be set adrift with no map of the mind except the crap off the back of a weetbix packet.
Anyway I have included FReuds best book ofr beginners and the manual that simplifies the hard bits and lets the layman have some insight without being pushed into folowwing some guru and their teaching. It is possible to do it yourself.
And dont believe the crap that some people from AA tell ya. surveys done in the US show that the ones that benefit most from this approach are salesmen?????????????
And if you can find them here are three vital book about the psychology of woemen fby Helene Deutsch. She studdies under Freud and she knew a thing or two.
As for Popper. He was interviewd before he died and all he could dowas crow about how he had stymied the Vienna Circle of Logical POsitivists with his logic of scepticism. And showing of his carpentry. I wonder who he thought he was...hahahahahahahahahahaha.He never created anything. All he did was try and cut down others who were brighter than him and had better things to do than argue pseudo philosophic questions. And showing of his carpentry. I wonder who he thought he was...hahahahahahahahahahaha.
So the purpose of this little piece is to try to energise the social sciences in New Zealand. They need it. As it stands it is bogged down in academic philosophy nad the spurious calims of so called cognitive science. They dont know what they are doing because they dont know ehre to start and they dont know where they are going.The philosophers hide behind Wittgensteins opinion that philosophy is therapy. nada. Thats just bullshit desinged to stop them "knowing themselves" as the ineffectual limpos that they really are. hehehehehe.
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