Sunday, September 11, 2011

its raining raining raining here this morning as the ruamahanga flows down to the sea

its a wettie.
rain sloping down feom leaden skies.
the jackson leaning asgainst the curtain.
kathryn ryan being earnest on the radio with some black african.
all the tryhards on radio sport deseprately analysing the first games of the shhhhhhhh...r*gby world cup haven't got a clue.
they sound like they know something but they dont.
as cousin kev would say. softcoks.
as the guy from the t.a.b. said. I never say who is going to win the tournament.
I say that is why we are having the tournament.
and Brad Meurant. isnt manning up is he? cant quite leave those interrogatives behind can he.
favourite trick of the legal profession isnt it?
leave it there dude.
Only the non interrogative users will get the final game.
I hope its a South African.
Usually they play a straight bat and tell it it like it is without any verbal dioarhea that our local announcers pick up from their wives who watch too much crummy lowbrow pommy television.
Its ugly I tell ya. Its on the radio and the teevee all the time.
Only TV1 announcers have got a handle on it so far.
They sound like real announcers. professional. not some softcoks from a greasy soap opera.
September 11.
I remember that.
A freind went for a holiday and looked out the motel window and that.
two guys woke me up outside my flat  talking about it so I got up and turned on my tv.
I never want to see anything like that again in my life.
Barack Obama stay strong.
You are the leader of a mighty nation with a long and proud history for which most people on this fragile planet of ours are most grateful.
Nobody can do everything or be everything to everybody but you represent our greatest hopes.
It aint easy being green.

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