Monday, March 5, 2012

demons and wizards

found "Bloodworth" at the vidshop yesterday. They had a lot of copies to get rid of. Very gritty and close to the bone. Totally worth the price of admission for a view into another world where things are done differently. It all may look superificially the same but some people operate on entirely different set of principles and ethos.
Cat Ballou. Made in 1965 and that explains it!
they cant make funny pictures any more.
they either pander to the kiddies with mindless blockbusters or dredge up the past to pander to themselves.
see the artist. i.e. bulshit artist. hehehehehehehehe. blahhhhhhh.
STONEDALCHEMY. had to google it because amazon didnt have it but I got a copy the other day cheap at the redshed. $1.67? They were chucking it out. Ultracool 50's rythtym and blues. You know.  They got rythym and they got the blues. Not some bottle fed wimps whining to some stolen backing track and pretending its really r&b because thats what they say it is, but the real thing. Until you have heard these guys you haven't heard anything. there are no posers here. just dudes getting it down and you know they play bars and joints and dont swank around at plastic nightspots selling coke to geeks.
Dassault Rafale. Have become aware of the controversy of the Indian buy. They preferred the basic model to the Eurofighter. Too complex and not the model for the job. hmmmmmm.
Uriah Heep. Not very subtle piledriving rock band from the sixities but they had some very good tunes.
Stealin and Gypsy queen to name two.
and dont forget reality folks...

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