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Olympus LS-20M |
Hi Kiddies. wanna be famous a star of the screen. Well fork out for the Olympus LS-20M. its got it all. HD, USB and audio better than cd. You can make home movies and shoot your own concerts and just about do anything.
The Rise of Scotland Yard. Just finished reading it and the conclusion is simply that after the demographic spurt of 1752 the growth in population meant more social control was needed. almost exponential. As the congeries of invention, new agricultural techniques, and the discovery of energy rich foods from the new world impacted, then population was on a so far unstoppable rise and keeping order and combating crime was faced with necessary changes too and what is more they are still occurring. A very good read for anybody interested in the sociology of growth and urban development.
Might plug in the old Jackson tonight. Its only a standard but it feels as if it is alive even when you just hold it with no power. Tap it anywhere and it hums and throbs?????
Just about got Ragtime Annie down. Have to prove to myself that I can still remember significant amounts of data. Plus its a groovy little tune. My version will never make the national flat picking champs but its funky and full of bite. I suppose I don't do it the way the books say but I sight read the TAB with the metronome on 81 and soon it will just flow without recourse to looking at the book.
Grant Smithies still doesn't get it. He reviews LA WOMAN as a classic and then sort of damms it with faint praise. I mean its either good or a heap of shit. Which is it. and its no good lumping Jim in with a whole host of other rock artists who bit the dust. He did his thing and that was that. Style parameters just don't fit round someone like him.
Anyway. I'm Terribly conflicted. everything I like is made by the worst kind of terrestial exploitation and environmental degradation but the toys seem to have import??????
Barrack Obama. Hi boss. My apologies for invoking George W but he gazetted the marine reserves and its up to him to make sure that the full force of the law is brought to bear to protect them.
Otherwise his legacy ain't worth zilch.
and had to laugh but the kids library here has abrand new copy of Yellow Submarine.
The book. COOOOOOL.
And more fallout from wikileaks and stratfor. The dompost writer asks why if we dont count for much did the US take such a strong lin eover the nuclear ships issue. The answer is quite simple but is now receeding into history. Some on the left saw an opportunity to humiliate the United States and tapped into that part of the national psyche that loves to think we are biger than we are.
The US quite rightly saw it for wha tit was and took action of their own for which they were perfectly justified at the time and now.
the trotskyites had their little triumph but in the end it was a pyhrric victory that didnt amount to a hill of beans.
PS. I cant believe that my blog has only earned $6.73 and that was over a year ago and has never changed?
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