Tuesday, September 9, 2014

boojwah busybodies...

Very disappointing to listen to the trick cyclist from Otago University and his views on drugs and suicide.
It is hard to believe that he is a professor.
If anybody is going to commit suicide then they will have made that decision in their unconscious long before they ever took a drug.
This man obviously does not understand the psychic determinants of addiction either.
any addiction has as its primary goal to prevent the addict feeling their true thoughts and feelings.
all drugs wear out in psychic efficacy eventually and just like delirium tremens  they erupt in the end.
and the question is not why these kids take drugs but why they want to kill themselves in the first place.
Mr Psychiatrist knows or should know that suicides really want to kill their parents but the bonds are so strong that they have e no alternative but to take their own lives.
He also seems unable to understand that using drugs is an attempt by teenagers to ameliorate  feelings that will not be relieved by any amount of drug taking.
I am really sick of backward, blinkered thinking that prevents the truth about suicide and addiction from coming to the surface and being discussed for what it really is.
And furthermore no amount of data is going to tell the truth about how people really feel and trying to influence public opinion by relying on statistics is cowardly and useless.
Mr Otago University professor needs to get real and do some study that illuminates the problems instead of looking for evidence to concoct, manipulate and reinforce his own middle class prejudice.
It is the same as the academic nitwit on RNZ the other day wondering why people are evil when the real question is why are people good.
Not only are we down under but back to front as well.
And nobody wants to know the truth.
They just want to speculate with 'basic statements' and then make it up as they go along and as they see fit.
There is no rigour anymore.
Just postmodern semi-quackery.

Karl Menninger
Man Against Himself.

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