Monday, September 15, 2014

I spy with my little eye or everbodys doin' it...

The only way to make a man trustworthy is to trust him.


Henry Stimson the 45th United States Secretary of War also refused to spy on the Germans pre WW11 because he said gentlemen did not spy on each other.
Now everybody is doing it.
They cant help themselves.
Some is justified and some is not.
In New Zealand it seems to be the province of creeps and institutional supporters of the National Government who deem themselves as superior types of people to the proletariat who do the actual work.
And  Prime Minister John Key who thinks the security services are there just for his benefit alone.
and he has lied flat out about 'xkey' score when anyone at all can go to wikipedia and there it is.
An NSA presentation in black and white (full colour actually) showing that they have a server in New Zealand.
It is time for Key to go before his malevolent coterie puts in place enough technological tentacles to prevent any other other party ever acheiveing power in New Zealand.

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