Wednesday, September 3, 2014

eager beavers.... their finest hour

sorry but the caption was meant to be for 'Reach For the Sky'.
some how I deleted the complete companion post to this one!
doh doh dum dum.
was brought up on the Paul Brickhill book and I saw the movie when in it first came out and I found a copy in the Family Store yesterday. Veddy Veddy British but thats ok.
Thats how they won the war.
Great line up of war surplus Hurricanes and bubble canopy Spitfires plus vintage Avro 504Ks and Gloster Bi-planes.
Maybe Gamecocks.
My recognition is not all that good.
where did they get them from?
I got a vhs copy of Star Trek 1V too.
just finished it.
does not matter how many times I see it I still get tensed up at the dramatic moments in the flick.
anyways I will post the piccies tomorrow.

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