Friday, September 12, 2014

the golden coach...

Bought this great movie yesterday at the Warehouse for 97c.
nobody wanted it?
Any flick that opens with a spirited version of Spring from Vivaldi's Four Seasons has an auspicious air and it does not fail. 
It has just that air of being made in 1953 but it surprises with its great cast, ensmble acting, and all round good vibe. 
Its  pretty good and I watched it last night and again this morning with the sound  off as I listened to Kim HIll.
Just as good!
Why cant we do that?
She was talking about New Zealand Movies or as Kim would say "FILMS".
like I feel a mist coming down when I talk about NZ films.
Unlike Renoir the mcguffin becomes the movie and unlike Renoir where nothing is everything they try to say everything that comes out as nothing.
what canyou say.
If you criticise then you are a knocker.
Well the fact of the matter is that most kiwi films are a waste of bloody money and time with false premises, stilted and no plot.
Just egg heads trying to be auteurs when they hate Hollywood and dont read comics.
Pathetic really and  a whole industry has grown up trying to sell people that shit is sugar.

The Real thing

and just for good measure here are two real movies.

and a CD.
One of the best!

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