Monday, September 8, 2014

gimme gimme gimme...

Listened to a pundit on Saturday morning talking about Watergate.
It didn't really bite tricky dicky on the bum till after he had won the election and the chickens came home to roost.

His committee to re-elect the president had turned into a bunch of C.R.E.E.P.S.

Something similar will happen here I think.
The prime minister has never done anything of note except shave a percentage off other peoples money.

in the event he is only a $50 million man.
He cant afford a Gulfstream.

His crew aren't much better.

great to see Phil Gough getting stuck into whale oil and his links to the prime minister who it must be said is no more than a hired lackey headhunted by national and with no real understanding of the democratic and parliamentary process.

They think winning the election is just a ticket to pelf whatever they can get their hands on.

and get revenge for all the resentments and slights real people have put on them.

Well Like Nixon hubris is sure to land on his head before the next three years are up.

He is too connected to wailshit who is another slob who has never done anything in his life except wail for more.
more food.
more money.
more everything to make up for the fact that underneath he knows he is nothing and the only way he can be somebody or something is to lash out at anyone who is.
Just a big fat absorbent sponge waiting for his heart to pop and his feet and fingers to fall off after  onset of diabetes from too many chocalate bars and fizzy drinks.

gobble gobble suck suck.
too much is never enough for people like them.
i.e. inconsequential losers working the system to hoover up all the sausage rolls and the free booze and trying to project an air of gentility that is as fake as their lineage.

pop pop pop.

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