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David Parker: Next Minister of Justice |
Grey Old day today.
Woke early and listened to some nice music on RNZ concert and then listened to to David Parker from the NZLP explain the letter he has sent to the Police asking them to investigate the behaviour of ex minister of the Crown Judith Collins and her alleged perversion of the course of justice and the lack of probity that has overtaken the New Zealand political process.
When bloggers (like me) are accountable to no-one and have no peer review or editorial oversight then it is Rafferty's rules and anything goes until you get caught.
It seems to have escaped Collins and her myrmidons that eventually they would get caught.
They have skewered John Keys National Party and it remains to be seen if they have delivered a self inflicted death blow.
I hope so.
Whale shit has blustered and bluffed and threatened and told enough lies about people that the only proper punishment for him would be a term in the slammer.
He would lose a bit of weight then.
Get in fighting shape for a guest shot on WWF against you know who!
His whole rationale seems to have been to gouge as much money from anyyone and everyone as they could get their grubby little hands on.
They are worse than pigs.
At the moment I am reading “Running The World” by David Rothkopf who tells of Americas first president Geroge Washington and how he tolerated all sorts of diverse opinions in his cabinet where the men of the day knew the great philosophers and compared their deliberations with their thoughts.
Now politics is a desperate bid to grab the reins and feather the nest behind a facade of empty ideology.
Gimme Shelter indeed.
Anyway I got on the train and went to Upper Hutt for the day.
Its great to be swept away by the big blue locomotive through the verdant countryside and the views of Lake Wairarapa as you ascend to the portal of the tunnel.
100 times better than a car!
The clouds were right down and the trees were dripping wet.
It was all quite picturesque and then out the other side of the Rimutakas and there is another civilisation.
Bought a Steve Miller cassette at Liberty Books on Main street.
A compilation with “Your Saving Grace” on it and other stuff.
Then to the Warehouse where I copped a Donovan CD with a whole lot of songs from his first LP on it, plus Merle Haggards 16 Greatest Hits. Wowwwwww. If that wasn't enough I got a 2CD compilation of American Heartbeat containing a whole swag of jukebox hits from 1960. viz Let The Little Girl Dance by Bobby Bland and Alley Oop among others.
He got a big ugly club and a head full of howwarrr....
He a mean motorscooter and a bad go getter!
Right now Johnny Horton is sinking the Bismarck straight after Elvis crooning Are You Lonesome Tonight.
Talk about a time warp.
Then, wait for it, I found an LP of Jim McNaught at the Family Store in really good condition.
McNaught died early but he was a good singer with first class taste and he did manage to crack the hit parade with “Would You Like To Swing On a Star”.
And a World Record Club 5 LP set of The Seekers who are coming to New Zealand Soon.
The collection does not have Open Up Them Pearly Gates (which I have on cd) but it does have 'When The Stars Begin To Fall” and some other gems.
There ya have it. A great day in town.
and just before I go to bed I look in my posts and someone has been going through them to see what I have said and if there is anything here that is personally incriminating.
bring it on.
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