Sunday, July 31, 2011

all blacks with ease!

The Island Civilisations of Polynesia


My my my its a beautiful day. play that funky music white boy. just found a ezy play version so I'm utoobing it at the moment ta get the feel and the little tag at the end without having to work too hard..
Good win for the AB's on saturday night.
I dont have sky so like the rest of the poor people I listened to the game on Radio spud.
their  commentary team is hopeless. its all interogatives, isnt it. why do they do this. they are like children in the schoolyard who have to have everybody agree with them. nobody else is allowed an opinion are they. Its pretty chronic isnt it. what are the rest of the world abnnouncers going to think when they come here to find a whole gang of infantile pussy whipped morons in charge and dishing out al this kindergarten stuff.
Mind you Radio New Zealand is not much better.
It seems like the word has gone round about Kathryn ryan. She is all over her interviewees likea rash. why doesnt she listen to herself? She is like a philosopher who investigates a scientific problem and thnks this is easy. hey if I keep on it I might make an original contribution myself. nada. It just comes across as a form of bullying when the interviewer has read up on a subject but cant keep their flipping gobs shut.
the whole country has become infantilised.There is no theory about anything. Its all post modernistic crap. You know. Only my own truths count and if the theory doesnt fit then junk the theory because who needs it when I in my own personal magnificence know everything. dont I!
Half the blame must go to the weasel Karl Popper who did the biggest wrecking job on New Zealand. After he went back to the UK after the war and hooked up with the rest of the crew from the LSE who didnt beleive in psychoanalysis and all the kiwi smarties stayed in England after the war the country has descended into smug self satisfied imbecility and inanity. the only thing that counts is an immediate cost benefit while the baby goes down with the bathwater.
Water quality in our rivers is gone for a shitter and the crops that rely on bees for pollination are slowly getting strangled and all the small fish are the only ones left and our fish stocks are being selected for smallness.
Nobody can do anything properly!
And if you point it out then you are are a wrecker and a knocker.
Mr President.
good show Bo.
Looks like the boneheads got a few wacks round the lugs for their troubles.
They said it was a matter of principle but they never said what principle?

Paul Newman and friends!

Big clean out tonight. get rid of all the dross. Get these movies for some edge of the seat excitement.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Captain Cooks Turkey Part 2

Theory of Psychoanalytic Technique (Menniger Clinic Monograph Series, No. 12)Was looking for info on suicide last night and reading Freida Fromm Reichman.
She had four express references to scholarly studies on the subject.
Just pissing in the wind though.Everybdoy in New Zealand just thinks their own thoughts are facts and they know everything thing therte is tyo know without ever having to read a book or do some study.
All the social workers cum  busybodiies in New Zealand think they can reason with people who are insane because everybody knows how wonderful they are.
Yeah right.
Why dont some of these idiots read some books and do it properly instead of tying the country up in emotional  skeins that nobody can break free of because they are just plain ignorant.

stay away from lightnings girl and this part of town

Very blustery tis morning but people out and about. everyone sems to be in good humour. to hell with the wind and the rain and the snow. we alive and we going to enjoy ourselves.
Cracked it for a chat with Lou on the way home from town. He is writing abook on religion. Has been at it for over 8 years. good luck Lou. Saw him get T-boned on the main street one day. Must have had his mind on higher things. anyway he said something really good. Started going on about man made extinctions and he opined that all the best things go first!
Old lady pushed her way to the front of the express queue at the supermarket this morning. You should have heard al the pretty young things rattle on. Good on the old biddy I say!So Paula Bennets Green Paper on child abuse comes out next week. I dont care what colour the paper is. What I want to know is why it is happening? Until that is made clear then all the juvenile omnipotent ravings of wannabees  for funds and resources are just pissing in the wind.
Lets have some bloody facts for Gods sake. Otherwise its alljust blather and boy these blatherers and twaddlers are the best in the world. If it was an olympic sport we would win everything.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Captain Cooks Turtle

I dont know why but there never was that many books about American airmen in the second world war as about the British. Maybe there was but they just didnt get here. anyway I found a copy of Papa Boyingtons memoir, Baa Baa Black Sheep in town this morning so I will have something to read tonight.
the lady who sold it to me said he was surplus to requirements after the war. It seemed the high scorers were given the bums rush in the US. Too much radiant light for the REMF's.
Went to town to day. Played some music but there was buskers everywhere so just had to suck it up. As long as I cover my bus fare and a pie I do the rest for love. Got in the groove with the old seekers hit Morningtown Ride and finished off with the Jo Stafford and Gordon Macrae hit 'It is no secret'.
Both really good to sing and make a joyful noise to the lord.
Read in the rag this morning a neat little question in the daily quiz about Captain Cooks turtle given to him by the king of Tonga in 1773. It lived to 1966!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Beat that.
I have put up some of my favourite music today. The pommy critics dished Johnny's LP when it first came out. They said it was out of key but it always seemed allright to me.
Arlo Guthries "Sickle" album is one of my all time faves. I love when the cactus is bloom and the other toons are cool too!
Oh and town was good this morning. The Regent Theatre was going great guns and there was a nice happy mood and vibe about the place.
Two kids were busking down the lane but no rythym. God knows what it was they were playing but pretty wooden. Syncopation seems to have become obsolete.
And I picked up a copy of the Best of Nancy Sinatra for $2 from the Masterton Family Shop.
Almost time for a cup of tea and a lie down.
But some politics and media first. Paula Bennet is not my favourite politician but Mawk Shrewsbrewery chipped her for not being on his show so he could chip away at her. Being a minister means you have to front up to the important issues but not that that you are at the beck and call of every try hard in the media. After a it is her "perogative". Thanks Mrark.
And Mary Wilson from RNZ Checkpoint  on child abuse day. "What is the government doing about this."
Well Mary my confidential insider confidante tells me that John Key is not in Hawaii but driving around the Bay Of Plenty at night looking for people that might be contemplating sideways. cool eh?

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Useless Universities and life on the dias

The Very Best Of Grateful DeadAmerican BeautyGrateful DeadLive / DeadWorkingman's Dead


Yesterday was child abuse day. Its all done for now till next year. The breast beating is over. All the claimants have got their "RESOURCES" and have split. Its all OK now till next year.
Yeah right.
The only person who came out of it with any Mana was Te Uroroa Flavell who openly admitted that nobody had a handle on it at all which is where the rub lies.
This bloody performance goes on every year at the same time only nothing is ever done and a new cast pops up claiming they and only they know what the story is and what to do but nothing has changed.
Well in my opinion what the hell are the universities doing.
They have the staff, the expertise and the methodology to give find some  answers as far as they are able but nothing ever comes out of them. What the hell are they there for?
preparing pompous little tits for jobs in government depatments?
Lets see some action on this front soon.
Mr President. Barack Obama.
Keep up the good work dude.
Arguing with idiots is hard going.
First of all they try to drag you down to their level and then they beat you with experience.
Give 'em hell.
Cycling. another bottomless pit of nattering stupidity. When I had a bike I wore a pink helmet. It was always visible. Unfortunately the colour pink has been co-opted by the gay movement so cyclists wont wear it.
Another triumph of dumb stupid marketing over doing something properly.
Rosemary Mcleod. Rose you better remember the iranian, turkish, indian, budhist, tahitian, proverb; he who tells the truth better have your horrse saddled.
Re Kieran from the info centre. The other day when I left he mouthed off telling everyone that I was a nasty stupid bully. When somebody who knows me mentioned they knew me he shut up.He has had three goes at me already.
I think he is trying to create a scene in the info centre and get me banned just like he tried at the library.
He is a classic case study from 'when society becomes an addict' by Anne Wilson Shaeff.
Trying to isolate people. trashing them and creating personality conflicts as a camouflage for their real purpose. Very nasty.
This guy does not know me but he is retailing lies and slander. I wonder who is supplying him with prompts?
I guess it has something to do with politics.
Thank god for the internet otherwise this miserable little man would be able to get away with it.
Life on the dias. its actually dais but kiwi sportspersons who call it dias are not to be contradicted. they are roll models. Ho hum.
Just carry on mangling as long as you medal.

The Loveliest Linda of them all!

No doubt in my mind that Linda Ronstadt was the greatest female singer of the twentieth century. The only competition was Cher with the greatest pop song ever, Bang Bang, and perhaps Felicia Collins the featured vocalist in the house band for the Late show with David Letterman.

I first discovered Linda by accident when I heard her version of Silver Threads and Golden Needles and in my youthful enthusiasms decided I could copy Gib Guilbeaus violin solo on my guitar.

Well anybody can get a reasonable approximation if they stick at it long enough. The melody line is different from the solo so one has to be careful or get messed up in the head as the line lines diverge and come together again. Now where have I heard that before.

After that I became entranced with all her backings and arrangements, especially the pedal steel backings. At one time I spent days trying to get them down on my accoustic. Weel the lord loves a tryer.

I must say I was nearly defeated with the bass line on You're No Good, but afriend o f mine who is a bass player showed me how to do it and the everything became clear and resulted in hours of fun as we played off against each other in this truly wonderful arrangement. The rest of that album, "Heart Like A Wheel" is filled with gems with some complex progressions and other relatively simple ones like "It Doesn't Matter Anymore" and "I Cant Help It If I'm Still In Love with You" being standouts.

On these tracks you can play the bass lines, melody lines or just invent your own solos ad infinitum all the while as Linda casts her spell.

In New Zealand there is a brotherhood of Linda Fans. It was underground for a while but you get to know them after a while.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Emile Durkheim professed to be able to plot the probability frequency of suicide under certain conditions on a graph.
that may be as it may be but it still doesnt answer the question why.
In New Zealand we beleive that if we talk about something enough we have solved the problem and moreover that we can cure social evils with the exercise of personal will. 
At the moment its suciide week and they (?) are all over the radio teling each other that they can do something about it.
I dont think so. And Maori people are trying on the old only Maori know what it is for a Maori person to commit suicide.
Of course this is all blather and I suppose it gives some peop-le comfort to know that somebdoy somewhere is doing something about it.
Sigmund Freud in his 1915 paper on 'mourning and melancholia' had this to say about the 'enigma' of suicide. "the suicidal person was able to kill themself because unconscioulsly they were also killing the one who they hated and whom they had physically incorporated.
The ego can only destroy itself if owing to the power of the loved one as retained within as image, the ego treats itself as though it were the loved one and directs against the self all the rage it feels for the loved one who has rejected or abandoned it.'
Tough stuff and to boot also he say elsewhere that if someone admits to wanting to suciide then they are also directing rage against the person to whom they are making the admission and making them symbolically responsible too.
so much for the busybodies running around thingking they and only they can do something. 
If there is to be a suicide prevention strategy in New Zealand and we desperately need one then a whole more work must go into understanding the causes and why our figures are so high and less of the mouthing off about how WE are going to do something about it.

The SkullA Maze of DeathThe Eye of The Sibyl and Other Classic Stories (The Collected Short Stories of Philip K. Dick, Vol. 5)

Just got back from town. The bus was filled with kids on the way there. Going from Featherston to see Zappo the clown. The train was late so they had to take the bus. Could tell they were country kids because one of the mums said look at that small John Deere when we passed these guys doing a job on Wild Oats. (removing old shrubbery). Hope they had a good time on their big adventure. Oh yeah.
Had to get some new springs for my guitar. They going through the third and last phase of structural fatigue before they go dead and are gone forever. They wear little grooves where you press on the frets.
Saw some of my contemporaries. they not looking good. Hope I look better than that. The future dont look good if thats the case. bwa wah wah.
Saw my friend Katy today. She needs a hip operation but they wont do it till she gets her teeth fixed but she cant afford it. she really pissed off after watching all the yumpies on Marky  Mark Shrewsburys programme skiting about how they get adequate dental care. Or Maybe it was Kevin Milne. come in Kev. Katie needs a fair go and she aint getting one.
Lady from info centre doing an extramural degree. she one sharp cookie. got the smarts allright.
Philip K Dick. My favourite is "The Simulacra" and short story is a "Present for Pat". good stuff.
buy now!
I need the money!!!!!!!
Going to finish here and come back later to talk about suicide.

now for something completely different...